The Advice

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Cisco's apartment~

3rd person POV~

As the toaster sounds continue in the background, Barry starts to feel an uncomfortableness in his lower back from the makeshift bed he made last night; which caused him to wake up the day.

"Rise and shine, Sleepyhead," Cisco said while standing in the middle of the kitchen

"Morning" Barry says with a yawn and while starching his head

"How did you sleep?" Cisco asked

"Like sleeping on a cloud!" Barry said trying not to be rude with sarcasm

"That's great! Do you want breakfast?" Cisco exclaimed

"Um- yeah sure what is it?" Barry asked while rubbing the back of his neck

"Eggos" Cisco said while eating a waffle

Cisco and Barry both know that Cisco can't cook to save his life; which is fine because everyone isn't perfect at everything. Also, Eggos were a step up from Iris's cooking so Barry gladly accepted the toasted waffle. "Okay, thanks Cisco," Barry said while eating a waffle

"How are you feeling?" Cisco asked because he could tell something was off with Barry

"I'm fine can we talk about this later; I'm not really comfortable with talking about it at the moment," Barry stated trying to hide his emotions about the situation.

"Okay, I understand take all the time you need," Cisco said with a nod

"I'm going to head out to STAR Labs early this morning to clear my head," Barry said while finishing his waffle

"Okay." Cisco wanted to say something else but it felt out of place to say it so he remained quiet

"Alright see you there," Barry said with a fake smile

"Okay see ya!" Cisco said while finishing his waffle

Barry ran out of Cisco's apartment; with orange and yellow trails following him from behind. As Barry ran he decided to run to the back to the loft; to grab a change of clothes for the day. When Barry arrived at the loft he noticed Iris was still asleep and felt an aching pain from just taking a glance at her. So, Barry decided to hurry up and change into a set of fresh clothing and sprint out the door; without waking up Iris. Barry sprinted out of the loft he went to STAR Labs early to clear his mind. Once Barry arrived, he noticed Caitlin sitting on the treadmill all alone; so Barry decided to go over there and comfort her.

 Once Barry arrived, he noticed Caitlin sitting on the treadmill all alone; so Barry decided to go over there and comfort her

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"Hey, Caitlin...," Barry said with a smile and sat next to her

"Hey Barry" Caitlin said with a bright smile

"Is everything okay? I can leave if you need space?" Barry asked whiling worrying about her

"Yes, everything is fine, you can stay I would the company anyways. I just wanted some time to think is all," Caitlin said with honesty

"Yeah.." Barry said while taking a glance at Caitlin

Caitlin locks eyes with Barry and notices his facial expression that he didn't look well at all. "What's wrong Barry?" Caitlin asks with a gentle expression on her face and accidentally touching his hand in the process

"Iris and I got in a fight last night..." Barry always knew he could trust Caitlin with anything so, he didn't try to hide the fact that he and Iris got into a fight last night.

"Oh- I'm sorry to hear that. Do you wanna talk about it?" Caitlin said with a comforting look on her face

"Yeah, I actually do want to talk about it," Barry said knowing Caitlin would always be there for him. Barry explained to Caitlin about what happened last night with Iris; about the tension he felt towards Iris, the awkward date, the fight, and how he didn't want to talk about the Speed Force with Iris at the moment. Caitlin sat there listening to Barry speak and being a comforting friend towards him; Caitlin always put others' needs before her own which is something Barry admires about Caitlin. Caitlin didn't lecture Barry at all; she just sat listened and gave Barry some heartfelt advice.

"Thank you for telling me this Barry; I know it can be hard to talk about your feelings sometimes so I appreciate it," Caitlin said sincerely

"Of course I trust you and you are always there for me and I admire that about you," Barry said while locking eyes with Caitlin and holding her hand gently which made Caitlin blush a little.

"Think about it this way, you and Iris's love it's like a tree and you both are the branches, and the branches they grow farther and farther apart. But, you have to remember that underneath the tree is the roots; they are mirroring the branching they are growing just as much. The roots are holding you all together; your love has a foundation which is the roots. So, no matter how far apart you think you are from one another; you will always have common ground with each other. A tree can't die unless from the source; Barry your source is your love towards Iris don't give up just because one branch is going too far." Caitlin says at ease, meaning every word

"Thank you that means a lot that you said that to me Cait. Thank you for always be there!" Barry said with a soft smile knowing Caitlin will always be his roots!

"Of course I'll always be here if you need anything at all" Caitlin says with a soft smile as well

Barry beings to stand up and gives Caitlin his hand to help her up; she slowly reaches for his hand but a sudden feels a shock trailing through both of their hands. They both ignore the thought of it, and Caitlin began to continue to reach for his hand. She ends up taking his hand which helps her fully get up. "Well, um I should get back to work," Caitlin said while blushing and a little clumsy too!

"Yeah, thank you again, Cait!" Barry said with a gentle smile

"Of course anytime Barry," Caitlin says while walking into her lab; and notices that Barry ran off somewhere based on the number of papers left on the floor. Caitlin began to pick them up off the ground when she noticed that Harry walked into Caitlin's Lab. "Hey Harry" Caitlin says while still blushing

"Hello, Dr. Snow someone awful flirty today may I ask?" Harry said while drinking his coffee

"What? I don't flirt.." Caitlin says while giving him an eyebrow raise

"Yes you do," Harry says about to take another sip of his coffee. "I see the way you look at Barry and I also heard you and him during your little conversation today," Harry states with a smirk

"I have no idea what you are talking about Harry," Caitlin says a kind of fluttered while moving a strand of her hair out of her face. "We are just friends," Caitlin says smiling

"So this is a "friend" for whom you left a high paying job and for you have dedicated every waking moment of your life trying to help, it doesn't quite add up," Harry says while leaving Caitlin's lab

Caitlin began to ponder the thought of what Harry had to say, and she decided to run after him. "Harry!!" Caitlin says while running "Where are you?" Caitlin says with no response

Caitlin notices the Gideon Time Vault was open; which drew her forwards it. As Caitlin decided to enter the vault; she saw Gideon was turned off so she swiped her hand over the monitor. Which caused Gideon to turn on, "Hello Caitlin Allen how may I be a service to you?"

"Hello Gideon-" Caitlin stopped mid-sentence trying to process what Gideon just said. "Um, Gideon?" Caitlin said out of fear of what she heard

"Yes, Mrs. Allen?" Gideon said

"Mrs. Allen??" Caitlin asked in disbelief

"Yes, that is correct your name is Caitlin Rose Allen" Gideon stated

Author's Note~

Hey everyone!! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter it's a little bit shorter today but I hope you still enjoyed it!! Let me know your thoughts or predictions; I would love to hear them. Thank you for reading this chapter <3

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