Chapter 5(There's a first time for everything)

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Bayley was sitting on her couch just watching TV. It was nearing late morning and she had yet to see Sasha. She knew the woman would be by at some point that day because her bed and stuff had been delivered.

She texted Sasha to let her know that the things had arrived and just told her to come in when she got there. Bayley had decided that she needed to take a shower before Sasha arrived. She was still bummed that the woman had to leave the night before, but she was still looking forward to seeing her. Bayley went upstairs to her bathroom and stripped out of her clothes and jumped in the shower.

Sasha couldn't wipe the smile off of her face. It had taken all she had just to get out of Baron's arms that morning to get to work. It was already nearing noon and she needed to get to Bayley's. After applying her make-up, she gathered her things before heading to the woman's house. Half way there, she heard the text message. Sasha glanced at it and sighed, she should have already been there, but the playful side that her husband had been hiding for three years had come out and she struggled to leave.

Arriving at Bayley's house, she took a deep breath before gathering her things. Even though her night with Baron had been incredible, as was that morning, she couldn't wipe the memories with him out of her mind. She grabbed her key and let herself into Bayley's house. "Hey!" She called out. "I'm sorry I'm late. I woke up late this morning." She explained as she went into the living room, searching for Bayley.

Bayley was just finishing up in the shower when she heard Sasha call out. "I'm upstairs!" Bayley yelled back. She wasn't sure why the woman was late... it was unlike her. Bayley finished drying off before throwing on some sweatpants. She didn't need to hide herself around Sasha now, so she didn't put on her compression shorts. Bayley quickly threw on a sports bra.

She looked around the bathroom for her shirt, but couldn't find it. "Shit," She mumbled to herself realizing she didn't bring a shirt in there with her. She just threw her hair up in a bun and walked out and into her bedroom where she saw Sasha starting to open the boxes with her back facing her. "They delivered the bedroom stuff and a few of the living room things." She said.

Sasha made her way upstairs when she heard Bayley call out to her. She started examining the boxes in the bedroom before she turned around. Her breath caught in her throat as she got a clear view of Bayley's body. It took her breath away as she looked over her. Everything about her husband was forgotten as she shook her head and forced herself to look back at the boxes.

Bayley blushed when Sasha turned around to look at her. She could tell that Sasha was checking her out. She wasn't sure how Sasha felt about what happened the day before... I mean the woman was late... so that had to mean something.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I was up all night... I couldn't sleep, then I slept and slept right through my alarm." She laughed softly. She didn't want to tell Bayley she was up with Baron all night long. Not when she had just decided she was exploring. She was still trying to figure everything out in her head.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." She walked over to her suitcase and grabbed an old college t-shirt to throw on. She turned around and looked at Sasha. "So. What are we going to do today?" Bayley asked curiously. She didn't want to be the one to bring up what happened the day prior... she felt that she was clear and Sasha seemed to know what she wanted... but a night away can change things.

Sasha looked around real quick before finding something she could use to open up the bed frame box. "We're assembling furniture today." She smiled to her as she carefully laid the box down to start pulling the parts out of it. She patted the floor beside her for Bayley to join her.

"I hope you have some kind of instruction reading ability." Sasha joked with her after she sat down. Sasha slowly pulled the pieces from the box before handing Bayley the instructions. For the most part, Sasha could usually get the frames together without the instructions since she'd done this many times, but it gave her an opportunity to drag the process along and have more alone time with Bayley.

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