Chapter 22(What if it happens again?)

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"She um..."

"Is she okay?" Sasha asked immediately, anxious to know.

"I have some good news. Bayley is in recovery now. Everything went wonderfully." The doctor said. He sat down beside Sasha to look at them. Sasha breathed a heavy sigh of relief before taking Roman's hand in her own and squeezing it tightly.

"So she's okay?" She asked again to make sure that she heard correctly.

The doctor nodded. "There was some damage to her spleen where the bullet embedded itself, but we were able to get that out and cleaned up. She did lose a lot of blood so we need to monitor her for that to make sure the blood transfusions aren't rejected by her body."

Roman smiled softly as Sasha jerked awake. He listened carefully at what the doctor was telling them. He let out a sigh of relief as the doctor said Bayley was okay. "So when can she have visitors?" Roman asked.

"Well, she'll be in recovery for another 15 minutes or so then we will take her back to the room once she wakes up. You guys can head up to the room now and wait for her if you would like. She is in room 439." The doctor said.

Roman thanked the doctor as he walked away. "You can go on up. I'm going to run back to the station and let everyone know how she is. Then I will come back later." Roman said, standing up. "I'll stop by the house and bring you both some clothes." He smiled before kissing Sasha's cheek and walking out to his patrol car.

Sasha closed her eyes to get herself to calm down. "Thank you so much." She stood up and looked at Roman before nodding some to him. "Here's the house key." She handed it to him before hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek.

Once Roman was gone, Sasha gathered up her bag and walked down the hallway to find the elevator to go up to Bayley's room to wait for her. She took a sip from her bottle of water as she sat down in the chair to wait for her girlfriend to wake up so they could bring her to her room.

Bayley was in recovery after they removed the bullet from her spleen and repaired it. She had lost a lot of blood and was hooked up to a machine to monitor it.

After what felt like forever she opened her eyes and felt them moving her through the halls of the hospital. She kept her eyes open as they turned into a private room where she saw her girlfriend sitting and staring out the window. "Baby?" Bayley said, voice hoarse from the intubation that she had during the surgery. She thanked the nurse as she sat the head of the bed up so she could see Sasha. "I'm here." She said softly.

Sasha had been lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear the movement at the door. She turned in an instant when she heard Bayley's voice. "Hey..." Sasha stood up and approached the bed once it was locked in place. Sasha cupped Bayley's jaw as she felt tears starting to slide down her cheeks all over again. "You're okay," she whispered before leaning down to kiss her gently. Sasha clenched her eyes shut as she rested her head down against Bayley's, just making sure that she was really there and it wasn't a dream.

Bayley smiled as her girlfriend got up and walked over to her. "I am. I'm okay." She said softly before returning her girlfriend's kiss. She moved her arm to rest her hand on Sasha's stomach. She kissed the side of Sasha's head as her girlfriend rested their heads together. "Did you take your prenatal pills with your lunch?" Bayley asked as she gently pushed Sasha back. "I'm okay. I'm here." She said softly. "I'm not going anywhere."

Sasha shook her head. "I forgot..." She admitted softly. With everything that happened, it slipped her mind. Sasha pulled away and went right to her bag to get her pills.

Bayley shook her head. "I knew you would forget. That's what I was most worried about." She said with a smile. She laced her fingers with her girlfriend's as Sasha sat down next to the bed.

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