Chapter 23(We're having a...!)

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Bayley and Sasha didn't talk much after their disagreement the previous night about her job. Bayley spent the day at home while Sasha was out with a client. She was waiting impatiently for her girlfriend to come and pick her up for the appointment where they would find out the sex of the baby. She was bouncing with excitement.

Unable to wait any longer, Bayley sat on the front porch and paced around waiting for Sasha to pull up in the driveway. She pulled out her phone and checked for any text messages saying that her girlfriend would be late...but nothing. She knew that she was being overly-anxious and excited, but she couldn't help was her baby. She smiled when Sasha pulled into the driveway and she practically sprinted out to the car and got in the passenger seat. "About time you got here." She said as she buckled her seatbelt. "I was going crazy waiting."

Sasha sighed softly as she rubbed her forehead. She wasn't expecting the traffic they had at 1 in the afternoon, but it was there. Sasha pulled into the driveway and just shook her head as Bayley practically sprinted to the car.

"I got caught in traffic," she told her softly as she backed out of the driveway again and started toward the doctor's office. She bit her lip softly before reaching out for Bayley's hand as she drove. They may not have talked much the night before, or that morning, but this was still a big day for both of them. Sasha needed Bayley's support just as much as Bayley needed hers.

Bayley sighed softly and relaxed into the seat. She smiled as Sasha reached out for her hand...Bayley met her half way, lacing their fingers together and pulling their hands into her lap. She sat quietly as her girlfriend headed toward the doctor's office.

Bayley looked over at Sasha who looked like she wanted to talk or something. It was a little awkward just being silent, so she decided to speak, "So how was your appointment with the new client?" Bayley asked, trying to make conversation. She felt awkward because they barely said anything to each other in the last 24 hours.

Sasha smiled some as Bayley spoke. "It's a young couple. They just added an addition to their house..." she smiled softly. "A nursery for a little girl they're expecting. I don't get to do many nurseries." Sasha glanced at her girlfriend at a red light and slowly stroked the side of her hand with her thumb.

Bayley smiled softly. "A nursery, huh?" She said as she looked out the window as Sasha drove. She glanced over at her girlfriend. "Do you have any ideas for what you want to do with the baby's room in our house?" She asked softly as she ran her other hand over Sasha's arm. She looked back out the window watching the other cars pass by.

Sasha took a deep breath. "I've thought of a few things, but I don't want to do anything until we know whether it's a boy or a girl. That will decide on the colors, you know?"

Bayley nodded, "I think that you are far more suited than I am to come up with a design." She laughed softly. "But I can definitely help with colors." She smiled.

"I'm sorry about yesterday..." Sasha wasn't really sorry, she didn't want Bayley to go back on patrol, but she didn't like the awkwardness between them.

Bayley looked over at her girlfriend as she spoke again. "It's fine. I understand your concerns, but I don't want to stop doing something that I love." She said. She knew that the arguments about it wouldn't be over...but she pushed it aside for now. "Are you excited?"

Sasha turned at the next light and pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office before shutting off the engine and looking toward her girlfriend. She chose to let it go about Bayley's job for now.

Today was a happy day for them and she didn't want her insecurities to come back out again. "I am excited. I just hope he or she is cooperating so we can tell what it is." She leaned over to kiss Bayley softly, smiling to her before she grabbed her purse and climbed out of the car.

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