Chapter 11(So, where's my wife at?)

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Bayley had been at work all day. She wasn't as excited to come home as she normally was because Sasha was gone for the weekend at her parent's place in Boston. She pulled her car into the driveway and sighed softly before getting out. She had no idea what she was going to do that weekend.... but she would have to figure it out. Bayley walked up to her front door and got her key out. She unlocked the door and walked inside. She went to turn the light on, but nothing. "Ah shit." She said. The power was out. Bayley just shook her head and closed the door. She locked the door and then took off her shoes and jacket.

Baron grinned as he watched Bayley pull into her driveway. Now he knew where the woman lived. He continued to drive down the street, taking his time to drive around the block a few more times before he cut his headlights off and pulled slowly into her driveway. When he looked inside, he smiled some as he realized no lights were on. The snow must have cut the power off, which he couldn't have been more thankful for.

Slipping his beanie over his head and gloves onto his hands, he grabbed the hammer from his passenger seat before making his way toward the front door. Finding it locked, he looked into the house for any signs of a person. Seeing nothing, he broke the window as quietly as he could giving him just enough space to reach in to unlock it so he could get in. He was finally going to get what he wanted. Bayley took his wife away from him and he planned on making her pay for it.

Bayley was exhausted from working and she just wanted to relax. She sent Sasha a quick text message letting her know that she was home from work and that she missed her already and she would call her later. Bayley quickly made her way up stairs and stripped out of her clothes to take a shower. Once out of the shower, she took her time in the bathroom, cleaning it up a little. She went into her bedroom and slipped on some sweatpants and one of Sasha's college sweatshirts. She smiled at the familiar smell and made her way back downstairs.

Baron stopped at the bottom of the steps when he heard her footsteps coming back down. He stayed off to the side as he watched Bayley go toward the living room. As soon as he saw the light of her phone go dim, he stepped up behind her and wrapped his arm tightly around her neck. "So, where's my wife at?" He asked against her ear as he kept a tight grip around her throat while his other arm wrapped tightly around her waist to hold her so she couldn't get away. He knew that being taller, he had the advantage over her. Training or not. "Where have you been hiding that bitch at?" He squeezed again.

Bayley stood straight up and was instantly shocked as an arm wrapped around her neck and waist. "What the fuck?" She said as she heard Baron's voice. "I don't know where Sasha is." She lied. Bayley didn't need him to go find the woman. She was thinking of ways that she could try and get away, but Baron was a lot bigger and stronger than her. "Let me go!" She yelled loudly. She tried to squirm out of his grip, but he was holding her tight. "I haven't been hiding her anywhere!" She screamed.

Baron brought his hand up to cover Bayley's mouth. "Now, now, we don't need any interruptions do we?" He suddenly shoved her into the wall before throwing her to the floor where he straddled her waist to pin her down. "I brought a hammer in with me. I've heard from people that it doesn't feel too good to get hit with it. Do you want to avoid that? You stupid dyke." He shifted to press his knee into her stomach as he pushed his weight down on top of her.

Bayley was terrified. She saw what this man did to Sasha and she was scared for herself. "No, no interruptions." She said quickly. Bayley groaned as she was thrown into the wall. She fell onto her back and soon felt Baron on top of her. "Please. Don't hit me with it." She begged. Bayley groaned loudly as Baron put his weight on her stomach. His knee dug into the bottom of her ribs. "Fuck. Get off me!" She yelled as she tried to push up.

"I know you know where Sasha is. She's been staying here. I saw you two together on your little date. What kind of person tries to take a man's wife!" He reached out to grab the hammer before hitting the side of Bayley's body right at her ribs.

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