Chapter 24(Passion and Love)

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(6 months later.)

Sasha paused when she felt a sharp kick in her side. "Hey, buddy. I know you're nervous too, but I need you to be a good boy tonight for me, okay?" She soothed as she rubbed the side of her stomach. Once he calmed down enough, she continued making dinner. Tonight had to be perfect.

She'd gotten a call from Bayley about a half hour ago, letting her know she'd been on her way back to the station to finish up her end of the shift paperwork. Sasha glanced at the time, seeing that Bayley should be home any minute from work now. She finished making up their plates and took them in to put them on the table, then lit the two candles in the middle. Sasha had already figured out how she was going to talk her way through all of this. She easily got away with the 'I was lonely' stories since she cut back on her hours some and spent more time at home while Bayley worked. "Perfect." She nodded to herself before taking a deep breath and rubbing her stomach gently.

Bayley was exhausted. It was a long day on patrol with her partner. They had a lot of high-energy action-packed calls today, and luckily nothing got too out of hand. She was on her way back from the station when she stopped at a store to get Sasha a small present. It wasn't anything special, just something to show her girlfriend that she was thinking of her. She drove the rest of the way home and parked the car in the driveway before getting out and heading into the house. She opened the door and slipped her shoes off before shutting it behind her and setting the alarm. "Baby? I'm home." Bayley said softly.

Sasha perked up immediately when she heard the front door open. "Hey, baby." She took another breath to stop her shaking hands and approached the door to greet her. "How was your day. I missed you." She reached up to help her girlfriend out of her jacket.

Bayley smiled when Sasha helped her out of her jacket. She set it on the bench by the door before wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's waist. "Mm. I missed you, too, love."

Sasha slid her arms around Bayley's neck to bring her down to kiss her softly, taking her girlfriend's hand, placing it on her stomach just in time for their baby to kick. "And he missed you too."

Bayley smiled, hugging Sasha tightly and picking her up a little before kissing her back. Bayley smiled when she felt their son kick in Sasha's belly. She got down on one knee and kissed her girlfriend's stomach. "I missed you, too, little guy. Momma loves you." She said softly before kissing it again and standing back up.

Sasha ran her fingers through Bayley's hair as she knelt down in front of her and kissed her stomach. "One of these times he's going to kick you in the face and I can't wait for it to happen." Sasha giggled softly before she tugged some on Bayley's shoulder.

Bayley looked at her girlfriend with a faux shocked face. "That's mean. My son would never do that to me." She pouted. Her pout quickly turned into a smile as she looked at Sasha. "I got you something." She said.

"Oh yeah? You got something for me? Well you didn't have to get me anything." Sasha leaned in to kiss her softly again. "I made dinner and you have perfect timing because I just put the plates on the table for us."

Bayley smiled as she reached under her jacket on the bench, pulling out a box. "I know I didn't, but you mentioned this craving around this time last week...and they seem to be on a schedule of sorts. So I figured I would save myself a trip later." She chuckled as she looked over to the table. "Consider it dessert then." She opened the box that had one of the large, oversized cupcakes from the bakery near the station. It was Sasha's favorite.

Sasha pulled back a little bit as she looked at what Bayley grabbed. She eye balled it for a moment before licking her lips. Sasha opened the box and her mouth immediately started watering. "I love these things. They're always sold out over there unless you get there at just the right time when they're fresh from the oven." She dragged her finger through some of the icing before sucking it off of her finger. "I consider it every other bite throughout dinner," she giggled and took her girlfriend's hand to lead her into the dining room to sit down to eat.

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