One: Beck's Surprise

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"Why didn't you answer my video call?" The first thing Beck asked when his girlfriend picked up the phone, walking into his school

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"Why didn't you answer my video call?" The first thing Beck asked when his girlfriend picked up the phone, walking into his school. She laughed at his question and he pouted. "I wanna see you."

"I juss woke up, bubs. You gotta wait." She teased over the phone, Beck groaning while unlocking his locker.

"But I wanna see you now."

"Hold up, I'm gonna brush my teeth and then I'll call you, okay?" The Canadian sighed and mumbled out an 'okay', watching the phone hang up.

"Still missing Ray?" Andre pat Beck on the shoulder and the teen glumly nodded before brightening up when his phone rang, Ray on the other end of the video call brushing her teeth. "Wassup Ray."

"Sup Dre." Ray said after she rinsed her mouth, grabbing her mouthwash. "How ya holdin up, bubba?"

"I miss you. I even miss buying gum for you every week because you chewed them all. Just so you know, I've got more than enough now." Beck told her while walking to class, sitting in his seat beside Jade and putting his backpack on the empty seat next to him.

"I see you're saving my seat."

"Hey Ana." Jade greeted, Ray waving at her as she gurgled her mouthwash.

"Yeah. It doesn't feel right to let anyone sit there."

"Aw, my poor baby." Ray cooed as she exited her bathroom, making sure to hide her surroundings by quickly walking into her brothers room. The bell rung and Beck huffed. "I'll talk to you later, 'kay?"

"Yeah. Love you."

"Love you too."

"Dude, just put 'I' in front of 'love you' already!" Jade said as she punched his shoulder, Beck slumping down in his chair.


"Kinda wish you'd tell me about your girlfriend." Tori said, her and Beck being the last two on the stage. Ray was peeking into the classroom, going unnoticed as she waited for the right moment to make her presence known.

"Let's just say that she's really awesome." Beck grinned as he thought about Ray, not knowing that she was currently standing inside of the room.

"Maybe you should turn around." Ray called out, Beck's head whipping around before he jumped off of the stage and picked her up, kissing her happily and twirling around with her in his arms. She pecked his lips again before hugging him. "Missed you bubba."

"You were gone forever." Beck mumbled as he set her down, the rest of their friends coming over to greet her. Ray smiled kindly at Tori and held her hand out.

"Wassup, I'm Ray'ana, but you can call me Ray." Tori shook her hand and smiled back at her.

"I'm Tori."

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