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No one's POV

"Jiminie, today is the day!"- Jungkook said excitedly.

"What day?"- Jimin asked confusedly.

Jimin and Jungkook are best friends and they study together in Bighit University.

They were sitting in their classroom when Jungkook said that.

"You forgot already? What will I do with you, Jiminie!"- Jungkook said and facepalmed himself.

"I will understand when you will tell me clearly, fool!"- Jimin said and smacked the younger's head. The younger pouted and rubbed the place where Jimin had just smacked.

"Okay listen, today I am going to give this confession card to my crush, my love, my everything."- Jungkook said with a giggle.

"Ooo!! So today is the day, I can get to see the mysterious crush... So when will you give it?"- Jimin asked, nudged Jungkook's arm and wiggling his eyebrows.

"At lunch hour.. it's in two minutes!"- Jungkook said and suddenly got nervous. Jimin noticed.

"What happened?"- Jimin asked.

"Jiminie, will he accept me?"- Jungkook asked, holding Jimin's hands.

Jimin smiled and ruffled his hair. "Definitely! He has to. Because you are so so beautiful!"- Jimin said to Jungkook.

"Okay then. Let's get it!"- Jungkook said as they heard the bell, indicating that lunch hour had started.


"He is so etheral and brilliant! I want to have him as my boyfriend."- Nathan said with a big smile.

"Well...is it my fault that I also want that?"- Jaebum asked while sipping his orange juice.

"It's not your fault, Jae. Actually I also want to see who is this guy who made my friends so crazy!"- someone said in his deep voice.

Nathan and Jaebum turned around to see their friend, Kim Taehyung. He walked towards them and sat down beside Nathan.

"Dude, if you look in his eyes, you will be lost."- Jaebum said dreamily.

"Stop this gaydreaming!"- Taehyung said and pulled out a cigarette from his pocket, putting it in his mouth.

He looked at his friends who were looking at him with bored eyes. "What is the speciality in this boy that you both talk about him almost all the time?"- he asked.

Jaebum was about to answer but got cut off because of Nathan.

"He is looking so freaking cute!"- Nathan said with sudden excitement, looking at another way. Jaebum and Taehyung noticed, they also looked at the way Nathan was looking at.

Taehyung saw a boy, clearly looking like a bunny, was coming towards them. Taehyung sweared, the boy was hopping like a bunny.

The boy made his way straight to Taehyung, making him confused.

He looked at him with his pretty doe eyes and blinked at Taehyung.

"What do you want?"- Taehyung asked in a cold tone.

"TaehyungieIloveyou!"- Jungkook quickly said and closed his eyes with his soft hands.

He peeked through his fingers and saw Taehyung was still looking at Jungkook confusedly.

"Listen boy, if you want to say something, then say it clearly."- Taehyung said, looking irritated.

Jungkook removed his hands and sighed. "I am nervous, okay?"- he said as if Taehyung was his friend.

"Okay, listen. I love your coolness, your smartness, your handsomeness, your everything! I wake up in the morning thinking about you and go to sleep at night, thinking about you. I really, really fond of you. In short, I love you Taehyungie."- Jungkook said and let out a relieved sigh.

Nathan and Jaebum looked at each other with sad eyes and went from there with broken hearts. Their crush already proposed their best friend.

'What bullshit is this?'- Taehyung thought as he looked at Jungkook who was looking at him expectantly.

He was looking like a child, expecting his favorite chocolate. Taehyung hit upon a plan.

"Okay. I've understood that you love me. But how can I believe?"- Taehyung said, acting like he was genuinely interested.

"I can do anything to make you believe, Taehyungie. Just tell me what to do."- Jungkook said with a smile.

"Hmm...let me think."- Taehyung said.

"There is this assignment I can't do it, but I have to submit that in few days later. Can you do it for me?"- Taehyung asked.

"Sure, I will do it."- Jungkook was quick to answer.

"Okay I will give you the necessary information about the assignment. Give me your number."- Taehyung said, fishing out his mobile from pocket.

Jungkook gave his number. The whole time Jungkook was looking at Taehyung with his dreamy eyes. He was so whipped.

They finished giving each other numbers. Taehyung was about to go but Jungkook stopped him by grabbing his hand. Taehyung internally groaned.

"What now?"- he asked not so happily.

"Um- if I complete your assignment, will you love me back?"- Jungkook asked, fidgeting with his fingers.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and cupped his face with his both hands.
Jungkook looked at him with his red cheeks.

"Don't worry, I'll think about it."


Welcome to Taekook drama!💜💜💜

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