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No one's POV

"He is a fuck boy!"- Jimin whisper yelled in Jungkook's ear who was trying not to pay any attention to his best friend.

"I know."- Jungkook said. Hearing him, Jimin's eyes got wide like egg.

"You know? Then why are you still going for him, doing all these works and wasting your time?"- Jimin asked angrily.

Jungkook sighed. He looked at his best friend and took his hands in his own hands.

"Jiminie, I love him. And don't tell me to not love him. Because I simply can't."- Jungkook said.

"But Kookie, he is using you. He doesn't love you and I guess he will never say that in future either."- Jimin said.

Jungkook smiled. He was feeling lucky suddenly because he has such a friend who worries for him all the time.

"Don't worry. I, myself don't want to hear it that fast. He is taking his time and I am just letting him. Because I don't want any rush in our relationship."- Jungkook said and got up.

"Wait..where are you going now? Don't tell me that-" "Exactly! I am going to meet Taehyung. See you later, bye!"- Jungkook said and quickly got out from the classroom before Jimin says anything.


Taehyung was sitting in the cafeteria and waiting for his friends who were angry on him still.

Taehyung didn't understand why his friends were making such a big deal for this. He just simply wanted to use the top student of the university.

After a while, he heard his name and turned around, thinking it was his friend. But to his disappointment, it was Jungkook.

"Hello Taehyungie!"- Jungkook greeted him with a big smile.

"Hello Jungkook."- Taehyung said, brought a genuine smile somehow.

"I was thinking about hanging out with you. So after school, will you go to this coffee shop with me?"- Jungkook asked, hoping his crush say yes.

Taehyung thought for a while. Then he nodded and smiled.

"Okay, I will go with you."- Taehyung said.

Hearing that, Jungkook gave his bunny smile to Taehyung and went away saying goodbye.

Taehyung stared at him for sometimes. "His smile is cute."- he mumbled to himself and mentally cursed himself for saying this.


"This is my favorite coffee shop. I come here with my best friend always."- Jungkook said with a smile.

"Oh."- Taehyung replied while chatting with someone in his phone.

Jungkook didn't mind though. He rambled things after things, looking at the window. Sometimes he would occasionally stop to look at Taehyung.

"What is your favorite food?"- Jungkook asked suddenly.

Taehyung looked at him and noticed the way Jungkook was looking at him.

"It's pancake."- Taehyung simply said and again looked at his phone.

"Okay."- Jungkook said and started to sip his coffee silently as he didn't want to disturb his Taehyungie.


"Do you find any benefit by using him?"- Lisa asked, occasionally giving kisses on Taehyung's neck.

"He is the top student. And with his help, I can snatch his own place and make that mine."- Taehyung said and smirked.

"But how?"- Lisa asked confusedly.

"I have my way. Now don't ask questions and give me a nice blowjob. I want to relax my mind."- Taehyung said in an irritating tone.

Lisa is his another fuck buddy. Taehyung has many fuck buddies like her. He wants to have the perfect partner of his life who will love him so much. That's why he has all these fuck buddies.

He thinks that love makes it first way through sex. So he tries to search it through this. Yet he doesn't find any sort of love in anyone's hand.

About Jungkook, Taehyung just wants to bring him down from his place in the university. He always had a dream of being the first boy in the class.

He doesn't care about Jungkook's emotions. Because he believes that he won't find any love in this boy too.


The next day, Taehyung sat beside Jungkook and Jungkook was in cloud nine. Though Taehyung didn't talk to him in the whole class, still he was happy that his love was sitting beside him.

"Students, your exam is knocking at the door. Will you open the door, please?"- the teacher asked and everyone in the class laughed.

"Okay, calm down! So you have already understood what I am saying about. Take preparation very well to make Jungkook second at least."- saying so, the teacher laughed and looked at Jungkook.

"You didn't have to say that, Sir."- Jungkook said, shaking his head.

"Well, I had to say it. Anyways, best of luck. I hope and I already know that you will be the top scorer again."- the teacher said with a smile and ruffled Jungkook's hair.

Taehyung clenched his hands into fists. The fact that the teachers didn't even acknowledge any other student personally, hurt him.

'I will make you down Jungkook. Just wait and watch.'- Taehyung thought to himself.


Writing angst is hard bro!😩

Anyways, soft and fluffy Taekook moment will come. You just have to wait for it.🎰

Also don't blame Taehyung. Because his thoughts are just messing with readers.🙇

Do votes and comments to see what Taehyung will do.💜💜💜

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