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Jungkook's POV

I enjoyed my day a lot. Thanks to Taehyung who made it even greater by asking me to be his boyfriend.

We are going back home right now. At least, I thought that. Because I got confused when Taehyung changed the route and started driving in another way.

"Tae, where are we going now?"- I asked confusedly.

Taehyung smiled at me reassuringly. "Don't worry, I won't kill you. I am just taking you at my home."- he said, not taking his eyes from the road.

I looked at my watch and gasped widely. Taehyung slightly looked at me with furrowed brows.

"Tae, it's already late. I have to go home quickly. I can't go with you now, another time please."- I said with my cute doe eyes.

"Please don't look at me like this... Tell your parents that you are going to stay with Jimin today."- he said in a calm voice.

"But Tae.."- I tried to make him understand but he didn't listen to me.

"Just do it for me, please. I wanna spend some more time and cuddle with you, please!"- he said and I couldn't say no to him anymore.

I fished out my phone from the pocket and called momma. Momma almost instantly picked up the phone.

"Hello bub, where are you? You said you would come home quickly, it's already 11:00 pm. Where are you?"- my momma said. I could clearly understand how worried he was.

"Momma, actually it's getting late. So Jiminie insisted me to stay with him tonight. Can I stay, momma?"- I asked, looking at Taehyung with scared eyes.

"Oh, okay... You can stay. But come home quickly tomorrow, okay? Momma will be very sad otherwise."- momma said and I felt bad for lying to him.

"Okay, momma. I will go home as soon as I can. Bye~"- I said and momma ended the call after saying me bye as well.

Taehyung smiled at me and put his hands on my thigh. I intertwined our hands and smiled at it.


We reached at his home after fifteen minutes. He lives in an apartment as his original home is in Daegu.

"The apartment is pretty big for one person."- I said, as soon as we entered the apartment.

"Well..my parents don't want me to live in any cheap and small apartment. That's why.."- he said and sighed.

He went to the living room, with me following him. He sat down on the couch and pulled me on his lap.

I blushed at the action but didn't say anything. He tugged my hair behind my ears and set his eyes on me intensely.

"Don't look at me like that!"- I said, covering my face with my hands

"Why? I have the right to look at beautiful things."- he said and chuckled.

"I..... I feel shy."- I said, not removing my hands. He removed my hands himself and made me look up at him.

"You don't need to be shy. It's just me. Your Taehyungie." - he said softly and resting his hands on my waist.

I looked at him with my doe eyes, the red cheeks were still there. He kissed my cheeks and that made me hide into his chest instantly.

"You are a cute bunny!"- he exclaimed and I couldn't help but hide myself more.

He chuckled and this made his chest vibrate. I love his chuckles.

I again looked at him slowly. This time I tried to maintain a serious posture but the position wasn't helping me.

"Can you tell me one thing, Taehyungie?"- I asked, in which he just nodded his head.

"Why didn't you accept me at first but made me do everything?"- I asked, trying to be as gentle as possible.

He stopped playing with my hair and sighed softly. "You don't have to answer if you don't feel like it."- I quickly said, pecking him in the process.

He pulled me even closer and kissed my temple. Then he hugged me tightly. "My best friend used to love someone very much."- he started.

I relaxed in his chest, resting my head on it. "Anything that crush told him to do, my friend used to do it. The crush promised that he would love my friend. But in the end, he just used my friend and threw him when the bitch didn't need him anymore."- Taehyung said and I suddenly understood why Taehyung was like that.

"From that time, I didn't believe in love. It got even worse when my best friend attempted suicide for not being able to take the rejection anymore."- he said and a tear slipped from his eye.

I wiped his tears and kissed his nose to lighten up the mood. He smiled at me and rest his forehead on mine.

"I didn't believe in love until I've met you. But I was so immersed in selfishness that I let my thoughts win over my heart."- he said, looking at me sadly.

"I didn't realize when you were there for me all the time. But when I finally realized I just felt like that bitch. I just thought that I did the same thing with you which that bitch once did to my friend."- he said, taking sharp breaths.

I took his one hand and kissed in the palm. "And then you came to me and showed me how much you love me. Unlike that bitch."- I said and kissed his cheek.

He smiled at me and hugged me tightly, mumbling again and again that how much he loves me.

He pulled out and kissed me suddenly that caught me off guard. But I responded to it quickly and together we made it passionate.

I straddled him and put my hands around his neck, tugging his nape hair occasionally. He gripped my waist tighter and rubbing his hands on my back sometimes.

I didn't know when the little kiss took us to his bedroom. We were there because he wanted to cuddle with me but at that moment, things were different for both of us.

He laid me down gently like I was some glass which might break easily. He hovered over me and smiled softly at me.

"I know that the first time wasn't the best for you. That was done by only from lust and I want to erase that memory from your head. So.."- he trailed off and started to give me butterfly kisses on my whole face.

"Can I make you mine again?"


I am not that good at smut but still I am asking you, if you guys want it or not?🔞

Do votes and comments to see the next chapter.📝

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