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Jungkook's POV

"No dad, I don't wanna go."- I said while looking at outside.

"Why bubba? Your grandpa will be very happy to see you. Also you need to be out from here for some time."- dad said.

I whined and pulled the blanket over my head. "I said I don't wanna go. You two can go. I will call Jimin to recreate me."- I said.

I peeked a little and saw that they both sighed. They looked at me for the last time and went away.

I sat up on the bed as soon as I heard the door locked. I took my mobile and called Jimin.

"Hello Jiminie?"

"No, I won't go with them. Could you please stay with me for few days?"

"For a week maybe?"

"Okay then, ask your dad and quickly tell me!"

"Bye!"- I ended the call.

I sighed. I used my phone for a while, played games, drew some weird pictures like stickmen and finally I laid down again.

Jimin still didn't call me. I went out from my room and made my way to the living room straight.

"Oh! We were about to call you."- momma said. He put the bag down which he was carrying.

He came to me and pulled me in a tight hug. After sometime, dad came too and we did a group hug.

"We are going to miss you so much! Take care of yourself, okay? Eat well and don't open the door without checking."- momma said and I just nodded along with him.

"Bye!"- I said, closing the door. Now I am alone in this big house.

"What should I do? Umm.....yes! Let's do some painting!"- I mumbled to myself and made my way to the art room.

yes! Let's do some painting!"- I mumbled to myself and made my way to the art room

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I drew what came to my mind. I was so immersed in the painting that I got surprised when somebody rang the bell.

I cleaned my hands and went to open the door. I thought it was Jimin but as soon as I opened the door, there stood...

Kim Taehyung, the guy I hate the most in outside but love so much from inside.

He was looking surprised too. I think he was expecting someone else, not me.

I snapped out from my thoughts and looked at him. He was staring at me and he was looking...sad?

"Why are you here?"- I asked in a cold tone.

He nervously smiled at me and looked here and there. After a while, he looked at me and said, "Can I talk to you for sometimes?"

"Again why?"

"I need to say something important."


"Actually I have many things to tell you."

"What many things?"- I wouldn't say but I was getting fun from asking him what and why again and again.

He sighed and shook his head. I tilted my head in confusion.

"Can I enter at least?"- he said, looking at me softly.

I hesitated at first but eventually let him enter. I closed the door and went to the living room. I put my phone beside me, in case he tries to kill me or what.

"Look Jungkook, I.. I don't know how to start but-"

"Yeah, you never seemed to know how to talk!"- I scoffed.

"I know. I am sorry for that. Actually I want you to-"

"No! I won't do your assignment nor your any kind of work!"- I quickly said.

"Jungkook, listen to me-"

"Why should I listen to you when you didn't pay any attention to me? Actually I should use my mobile now."- I said, taking my phone and staring at it.

I heard Taehyung groaning but I didn't talk to him. I wouldn't talk to him and wouldn't let him talk to me too.

I used my Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Wattpad...every account for a while. All these time, I didn't hear anything from Taehyung and I didn't even look at him.

I looked at him finally when I felt bored. He was looking at his lap and that made me wonder why he was so silent suddenly.

I decided not to be petty anymore and let him talk. "So why are you here?"- I asked.

He looked at me, smiled a little. "Thank you for letting me talk, Jungkook."- he said.

"I said why are you here?"- I asked again.

His smile vanished. He again looked down. "Jungkook.... I am sorry."- he said, not looking at me.

I was surprised. He still had guts to act in front of me?

"I am sorry. Sorry for everything. I didn't realize what I was doing with you. But when I realized, I already have lost you. I know that I can't give back your precious time to you. But please, forgive me.

I've realized that you are so important to me and I need you beside me in my whole life. I totally understand if you don't want to forgive me. But please consider my apologies for once.

Give me a second chance, please. Because I have finally realized that......that I love you."- he finished and looked at my blank face.

"How can I believe that you are telling me truth?"- I asked, just like he asked me before.

"Tell anything to do. I will do everything for you."- he answered, just like me.

I thought for a while. Then a sudden idea came to my head and I smiled to myself.

"You have one week. One week to make me believe that you are really guilty and you love me. Can you do it for me?"- I asked and smirked internally. I had no work to do in the upcoming week, so I would make the best use of my time by him.

Taehyung smiled widely. His smile turned into a box shape and I felt some butterflies in my stomach.

"I promise you. I will make you believe that I love you."


Run BTS episode 102.💘💘💘
We got a lot of Taekook moments and I am waiting for behind the scene of it.🌠🌠🌠

Do votes and comments to see the next chapter.🗒️

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