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No one's POV

"Explain."- Namjoon said as soon as he pulled Jungkook inside home, along with Taehyung.

Jungkook gulped and Taehyung just became tensed.

"I said to explain!"- Namjoon angrily said and Jungkook flinched.

"Sir, you shouldn't just scream at him."- Taehyung said and Namjoon chuckled.

"Says who? The one who once broke my son's heart? Kim Taehyung, don't teach me how to talk with my own son!"- Namjoon said and again looked at Jungkook.

"D-dad... I l-love him."- Jungkook said in a small tone.

"You what?"- Namjoon asked in disbelief.

Jungkook sighed. He took a long breath and looked at Namjoon with teary eyes.

"Dad, I love Taehyung. And he loves me too. Please accept us!"- Jungkook said, looking at his dad in glossy eyes.

"I can't believe this! Jungkook...you were crying for him like... a few days ago! He broke your heart and didn't give any respect to you. Yet you are saying that you love him? Son, have you forgotten those days this easily?!"- Namjoon couldn't help but shouted at his son.

"Dad.. I know that he did this, he did that. But those were in past. He has changed. He has showed me how he loves me very much. He has apologized to me! Dad, please! Forgive him! Please for me!"- Jungkook said in a humble tone.

Taehyung's heart ached to see Jungkook cry. He pulled the younger into a warm hug and kissed his temple.

Namjoon ruffled his own hair and looked at Jin who was in the kitchen all these times. Jin wiped his own tears, came and sat beside Namjoon.

"Bubba.."- Jin called in a soft tone. Jungkook looked at Jin and soon Jin pulled his son into his embrace.

"Momma, please tell Dad to accept him. Please!"- Jungkook said, his tears weren't stopping from falling.

Jin wiped his son's tears and pushed some of his hair from his forehead. He kissed on it and again pulled him into a hug.

Namjoon's eyes became soft. He doesn't like it when his lovely son cries. So he looked at Taehyung who was looking at Jungkook sadly.

"Come with me."- Namjoon gestured Taehyung to go with him and Taehyung nodded hesitantly.

He got up and lastly looked at Jungkook. Jin ushered him to go, so he started going behind Namjoon.


"Momma, when will they come? It's been one hour!"- Jungkook impatiently asked.

It's been one hour since Namjoon took Taehyung with him. Only God knows what is happening with Taehyung!

"They will come back soon. Don't worry."- Jin said with a smile.

Jungkook just huffed. Because Jin was saying this same thing to him for the last one hour.

But he didn't have to wait long. Soon Taehyung came with a smiling Namjoon.

Jungkook looked at both of them suspiciously and said, "So what did you discuss?"

Taehyung looked at Namjoon and Namjoon nodded. He gestured Jin to go with him and let Taekook alone.

"What did you discuss?"- Jin asked as soon as he got out from the room.

"You will see after a while."- Namjoon said and smiled.


Taehyung sat beside Jungkook and hugged him tightly. "Finally, I am near you. Let me take some fresh air."- he said which made Jungkook giggle.

They hugged each other for a while and Jungkook pulled out first. "Tell me, tell me! What did dad say?"- Jungkook asked.

Taehyung smiled widely, making Jungkook more confused. "He told me to stand up before you in one knee,"- Taehyung stood as he continued.

"Then fished out something from my pocket,"- Taehyung had something in his hand now.

"And he told me strictly to give it to you and make you mine."- saying so, Taehyung opened the box in his hand and showed the perfect ring for Jungkook.

Jungkook was shocked and soon he started to cry, making Taehyung panicked.

"Oh no baby! Don't cry now. Your dad said if he hears any cries from you then he wouldn't give you to me!"- Taehyung said worriedly.

Jungkook stopped crying suddenly and stared at Taehyung. "Will you ask me or not?"- he asked with a pout.

Taehyung smiled and said the magical words quickly

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Taehyung smiled and said the magical words quickly.

"Will you marry me, my baby? Because I love you so much and can't wait to live with you in the rest of my life."- Taehyung asked sweetly and Jungkook silently nodded with a smile.

Taehyung got confused but he put the ring into Jungkook's finger. As soon as he finished this, Jungkook just threw himself into Taehyung's arm and hugged him tightly.

Taehyung was quick to hold him and kissed his fiance's temple again and again.

"You can't imagine how happy I am, Taehyungie. The things I have imagined since I saw you for the first time, came true. We will finally be able to get married to each other. I love you so much, Tae. I love you so much."- Jungkook said as he buried his head into Taehyung's shoulder.

They pulled out and slightly looked at each other. Then Taehyung just clashed his lips with Jungkook and kissed him passionately.

"Thank you for giving me another chance baby. Thank you so much and I love you too. I will prove it to you from every morning to every night in the rest of my life."- Taehyung said and rested his forehead on Jungkook's one.


ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ

Thanks for staying with this story. I am so grateful to them who have wasted their time and read this story.
Thank you so much!
Take some Taekook love💜💜💜

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