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Jungkook's POV

I woke up at the chirping of the birds in the morning. I opened my eyes, only to see a broad chest in front of me.

Then I remembered the last night. We made love.

Taehyung was so gentle that I almost forgot his every mistakes. Well, I don't want to memorize them but some of them were still there in my head.

I raised my head to look at him. He was sleeping like a baby, with a pout in his face.


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"Cute."- I mumbled and caressed his cheeks.

I touched his eyes, his nose, his cheeks, his lips. I even pecked him and giggled at myself. Yet he didn't wake up.

"I think he is a deep sleeper."- I again mumbled and started to shake him.

He groaned and made the grip even tighter in my waist. He opened his one eye and smiled at me.

He pecked me suddenly and spoke in his deep morning voice,

"Good morning baby."

I blushed. His deep voice always makes me tomato. Oh God!

He chuckled and pulled me closer to him. He nuzzled his face in my shoulder and I relaxed in his warmth.

"Good morning to you too. I have to go home, you know."- I said, stroking his hair.

"Don't go.."- he said and placed a wet kiss on my neck.

"As much as I want to stay, I can't do that. Because I told momma that I would go back home quickly today."- I said and looked at him.

He looked at me and started leaning towards me but I stopped him. He whined.

"What happened now? Can't I have my morning kiss?"- he said in a whining tone.

I chuckled at his childishness and kissed his cheek. "No, we both have morning breaths. So if you want to have your kiss, we both have to get fresh."- I said which fell into deaf ears.

Because he suddenly got up and hovered over me. "Does it look like I care? I need my morning kiss now and at this moment."- he demanded and didn't wait for my reply.

He clashed his lips with mine and started kissing me passionately. I couldn't help but kissed him back.

I pulled out after a while to take breathe but seems like today Taehyung has another plan.

He started giving me feathery kisses from my lips to my neck and stopped at my collar bone.

"T-tae...we need to stop.."- I said but he didn't listen to me. He kissed my collar bone and sucked a hickey there, making me moan in pleasure.

After that, he finally pulled out and looked at me with a smirk. "Look at you. I didn't even do anything and you are already looking like a wreck!"- Taehyung said and smirked at me.

I hit his chest and he just smiled at me. He kissed me sweetly and said, "I love you so much baby."

My heart filled with warmth and I just showed him that by kissing him again

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My heart filled with warmth and I just showed him that by kissing him again. "I love you too Taehyungie. I love you so much."


We reached in front of my house. We both got out and Taehyung came to my side.

He held my hands in his big ones and looked at me. "I will miss you."- he said. He was already looking so sad.

 He was already looking so sad

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"Me too."- I said and pecked him. He stared at me for a while, then suddenly hugged me tightly.

"You don't know how much I will miss you.. please call me and text me time to time. And meet me when you can."- he said desperately.

I pulled out from the hug and kissed him lovingly. I caressed his cheek and said, "Don't worry. I will. I love you..."

"I love you too. So much!"- he said, looking at me sadly. I was about to go but he stopped me.

"Don't forget me, okay? I will miss you. Hell, I am missing you now."- he said as he hugged me again.

I smiled. "Hey, don't become sad. I will call you and text you. Also I will meet you whenever I can. So, don't worry too much."- I said and about to kiss him but backed out instantly when I heard my dad's voice.

"So you were with him last night."


Do votes and comments to see Namjoon's reaction. 😠😠


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