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Jungkook's POV

"Can I make you mine again?"- Taehyung asked.

I blushed furiously. I am not sure what to say. I want him to make love to me too. Because the first time wasn't really my best time.

But I am feeling so shy. Oh God! Why do I feel so embarrassed around him all the time? Give me some courage!

"I guess, you are not ready right now. It's okay. I am sorry for asking you."- Taehyung said, as he got up from me and laid beside me.

What did just happen? I didn't tell him to move! I looked at him; he was turning to the other side.

'Jungkook! You can do this! Show him how much courage you have, show him!'- I said to myself.

I took a deep breath and got up. I turned him towards me and before he says anything, I sat over his crotch.

"What are you doing, Jungkook?"- he asked, purely surprised at my action.

"What? Straddling you!"- I said as I leaned towards his face.

"That's what I am asking you. Why are you straddling me?"- he asked, his hands are now resting on my hips.

"Because I want you to make love to me."- I said and kissed him.

He soon responded and made it passionate. My hands were brushing through his hairs, pulling him more towards me.

"You don't need to do it, you know."- he said, after breaking the kiss. We both started panting, trying to catch our breath.

I looked at him and smiled softly. "I know. But I want to. You said that you want to erase that memory. Then erase it. Because I also don't want to remember that. Make love to me, Tae. Please.."- I said, desperately looking at him.

In a minute, he flipped both of us. So the position was, Taehyung on top of me and I was under him.

He kissed me softly. This time more lovingly. We pulled out and he kissed my both cheeks.

"I will make you feel very good today. Because you deserve it, baby. I love you so much."- he said and kissed my forehead, making me flash my bunny smile.


No one's POV

Jungkook clutched Taehyung's shirt tightly when Taehyung started giving open mouthed kiss on Jungkook's porcelain neck.

Taehyung licked under Jungkook's ear and bit the younger's ear which made Jungkook moan loudly.


Jungkook moaned loudly when Taehyung found his sweet spot and sucked on it harshly. He licked above all the hickies he made, his hands were rubbing Jungkook's side tenderly.

Jungkook arched his back when Taehyung started kissing his collar bone. Taehyung pulled Jungkook's oversized t-shirt in one side, revealing the white smooth shoulder of the younger.

"You are so beautiful baby. So so beautiful."- Taehyung said as he admired the art he just made.

The younger blushed and closed his eyes tightly. "Open them baby. I want you to look at me too."- Taehyung said and kissed Jungkook's both eyes.

Jungkook opened his eyes and looked at Taehyung. Taehyung couldn't help but kissed him again.

While kissing him, Taehyung slowly started taking off Jungkook's t-shirt. He had to break the kiss to take off the shirt fully.

Taehyung trailed down his kisses to Jungkook's neck to collar bone. He slowly but steadily kissed the younger's chest.

He licked the pink buds and put one to his mouth. He started sucking it and making Jungkook a moaning mess.

"Ahhh~ah~Tae...feels so go-good.."

Jungkook tugged Taehyung's hair tightly, feeling so pleasure in such a sensitive place.

Taehyung took the other nipple and sucked it for a while. Then he kissed down Jungkook's chest to stomach, not leaving a single place.

When Taehyung went to take off Jungkook's pant, he looked at the younger. "Are you sure you want it?"- he asked again.

Jungkook pulled Taehyung near him and kissed him sweetly. "I was never so sure in my life before."- Jungkook said, after pulling out.

Taehyung smiled and pecked him. He again went down, opening Jungkook's pant. All the time, he maintained his eye contact with Jungkook.

He pulled off Jungkook's pant along with his boxer. A cold air brushed over Jungkook's crotch, making him hide his private area.

"You are gorgeous, baby. Don't hide from me."- Taehyung said, kissing Jungkook's hands and removed it.

Jungkook was practically a tomato at the point. He noticed suddenly that he was all naked where Taehyung was still in his dress.

So he sat up and pulled Taehyung in a kiss. He started to open the button while kissing the elder. Taehyung didn't stop him, knowing that he needed to take off it anyways.

Jungkook pulled out and looked at Taehyung. He touched Taehyung's chest to abs with his hands and blushed when he approached his v-line.

He looked at the elder, getting a nod in return. "It's all yours, babe."- Taehyung said and smirked.

With red cheeks, Jungkook made Taehyung lay down and opened his pant. He wouldn't deny that he got surprised to see Taehyung's big dick again.

He gulped and looked at the elder. The elder smiled at him reassuringly and told him not to do anything, if he didn't want it.

Jungkook replied that he would give pleasure to Taehyung too. So he slowly started stroking Taehyung's dick.

Taehyung groaned and moaned at the same time. He caught Jungkook's hair not so tightly and guided him to the front when Jungkook began to give him blow job.

Jungkook took the elder's dick into his mouth as much as he could. He started palming down where his mouth couldn't reach.

He squished Taehyung's balls, making him moan loudly in his deep voice. Soon, Taehyung came in Jungkook's throat.

Taehyung went back to his position again. He kissed Jungkook, tasting his own cum in the younger's mouth.

Jungkook helped Taehyung to make him prepare with the lube. While preparing him with his fingers, he kissed Jungkook's thick thighs and the area between his legs.

Taehyung pushed his dick's head slightly and stopped, giving Jungkook time to adjust.

When Jungkook nodded, he pulled out fully and slammed his dick. Jungkook cried out in agony.

"It hurts..."- he said, tears kept flowing down from his eyes. Taehyung distracted him by kissing him and slowly Jungkook felt ease.

Taehyung started thrusting harder and they both were moaning in pleasure. The room soon filled up with the sound of skin slapping and Jungkook's high pitched moan.

Jungkook pulled Taehyung in a kiss and scratched Taehyung's back as he held him so tightly.

At the last thrust, they both moaned their name and came together. Taehyung pulled out and laid down on Jungkook's chest.

They both calmed down after a while. Jungkook started stroking Taehyung's hair lovingly and Taehyung was simply enjoying the moment.

"I love you so much baby!"- Taehyung said as he pecked a tired Jungkook.

"I love you too Taehyungie."- Jungkook replied and soon closed his eyes.


Wash me with holy water.😶😶

Do votes and comments to see Jungkook's condition.🥀🥀🥀

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