Chapter 3; So Maybe I Do Have A Crush.

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Scar woke up the next morning at 12pm with a massive headache and some cake next to him.As he sat up to reach for some cake, as he was starving , he noticed cubfan leaning up against one of the walls.

"Uhh, good morning cub" scar mumbled, still practically asleep as he grabbed a slice of cake and put it into his mouth.

"It's 12:30 scar, how are you feeling?" Cub asked

"Wait 12:30?" Scar looked surprised.

"Yes 12:30, now how are you feeling?" Cub repeated.

"I uhhh think I'm doing good, what happened yesterday, I can't remember anything"

This was humorous to cub as he knew exactly what happened and exactly how scar would react to it,

"Well, you lost your hat and so you became a literal hermit within some blankets lying around..." Cub then went on to explain everything down to specific detail including how scar literally fell asleep on top of grian, as cub continued explaining what happened scars will to live continued to dencile.

You see cub had found out that scar had been crushing on grian for the past couple months now, it all started when the two caught up for a con Corp meeting and scar seemed a little distracted.


Scar was sitting with his head down on the table and his arms covering his face, this seemed off to cub as scar was usually a very energetic and talkative,

"Scar, are you even listening?" Cub said slightly annoyed

"Huh? Oh, uhm yes yes I'm listening. Carry on." Scar said immediately sitting up looking red in the face. Most people would've thought he was sick and asked if he was ok but cub on the other hand, knew his friend all too well...

"Who is it?" Cub said, a grin appearing on his face.

"Wh- what do you mean?" Scar said nervously,

"You know exactly what I mean" Cub who was previously standing up, directing the meeting took a seat as to show that he wasn't going to give up anywhere in the near future.

"Well clearly I don't" scar said and moved head to face away from his friend in a childish fashion.

"If you don't answer me I'll just have to start guessing then." Cub said knowing that this would get to him, which it very much did.

"Wait-" scar said getting cut off by cub starting to list their fellow hermits.

"Stress?, no, Cleo? Also a no..." Cub seemed to have sparked no reaction to these names from his friend and couldn't think of any other hermits that were female at the time.

"hmmm... wait scar are you gay?" Cub asked genuinely as he had always thought that scar was straight.

Scar hesitantly nodded.

"I uhm, honestly didn't expect that. Have.... uhm have you told anyone else." Cub, as stated didn't see that from a mile away and didn't know if he should continue their previous conversation or start this new one.

"no..."scar mumbled

"So uhm, that opens up a lot more names to try and remember..." Cub said trying to lighten the mood, as scar let out a slight chuckle.

"Go ahead then, I wouldn't be able to stop you anyways." Scar said chuckling again.

Now with permission to continue their old conversation cub started listing off the names of all the male hermits until he got to the last three, their company's competitors the three and only Mumbo, Iskall and grian.

"Wait, you have a crush on one of our competitors." Cub asked emphasising the word 'crush' and 'competitors'.

Scar didn't react,

"Ok then, Mumbo or iskall, I mean their strong Redstoners and good at it as well,"

Scar didn't react nor answer,

"That only leaves.... Oh my lord you like Grian?" Cub said in complete surprise.

Scar moved his head closer to his chest in embarrassment showing that yes, he did have a crush on Grian.

"You like not only one of our competitors, but the one who started it in the first place. That Grian."

Scar mumbled something under his breath that cub couldn't hear.

"I'm not telling you off or being a Juliet's dad 'I'm not going to let you be with him because of the family bloodline' or in this case 'the company', I just think that it's hilarious that you like him." Cub explained as he didn't want scar to get the wrong idea.

"He's just like... really cute..." scar mumbled turning his head over to look at cub.

"Well ask him out then." Cub said hoping to get a reaction.

"Wh- I- how!?" Scar said having a gay panic attack.

"Don't worry you'll figure it out" Cub chuckled, going back to their previous conversation about their company.


And that brought us back to present scar, who was still having a gay panic attack.

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