Chapter 4; Webs And Water.

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Hey guys is me, ya boi. This is where the angst starts so this is also where the trigger warnings start yaaaayy!


Scar was crumpled over in a ball on his bed as he was just told that not only did he give his crush a prolonged hug, but he also fell asleep on top of them. Cub on the other hand had grabbed a slice of the cake that was next to the bed, the same bed that the current disaster gay was hunched over in.

"Your telling me I not only hugged him, but I also fell asleep on him. And you were watching the entire time and didn't try and stop me?" Scar said, his voice slightly muffled by his blanket.

"Yes, it was quite amusing to watch really. You know you asleep on top of grian, him not noticing and then when he does him panicking to try and not wake you up." Cub replied in his deep voice, amused.

"Ugh, my life is over, just end me now..." scar fake sobbed, reaching out for his diamond sword.

"Why don't you just man up and ask him out?" Cub asked, completely ignoring scars death wish.

Cub didn't get an answer as scar instead replied with an exasperated sigh. Cub was going to have to push scar a lot further if he was expected to even hint at flirting with the blond haired boy.

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Grian was doing his usual stealing from Mumbo's huge factories until he pressed a button that he probably shouldn't have as it turned out to be a trap. Mumbo wasn't new to grian stealing some of his excess loot or pressing random buttons on his redstone contraptions as he did it all the time and has done so even since he joined the server.

So Mumbo set a trap, some bait... a button perhaps that grian couldn't help but press, because as they all knew grian very much liked to press buttons and couldn't help pressing them if one was in sight. The button though, made grian fall into a very large hole with water up to his knees and heaps of spiderwebs, in other words; it was very hard to move and the exit was all across on the other side of the room. So, he had to call for Mumbo for help... what a pleasant conversation that will be.

As grian tried to move his hand over to his pocket to grab his communicator, he struggled due to the effect of all the spider webs. After a long struggle and effort he
had pulled his hand above all of the spiderwebs and sent a message to Mumbo simply saying 'help, the webs.' Hoping that Mumbo would understand what he meant. Luckily he happened to get a text back from Mumbo saying, 'I see you found my 'don't touch button', I'll be there soon.'.

30 long minutes later he heard the loud click of a lever being pulled and a flush of water came out of some dispensers he couldn't see and washed out all of the spider webs and freed him, apart from the excessive amount of water pushing him towards the other end of the large room.

Grian who was soaked and covered in spiderwebs was so tired and had been standing still for so long that as soon as the pressure of the spiderwebs was taken off him he immediately fainted. Mumbo immediately opened the piston door and ran into the room to check that grian was still breathing, but by the time that Mumbo got over there to check his pulse and breathing grian was sitting up and breathing heavily.

"Dude are you ok?, I didn't mean for you to get hurt!" Mumbo explained worriedly,

Grian held his hand up to his mouth as he started coughing up the water in his lungs along with a couple drops of blood which only made mumbos worry turn into complete fear for his friends health.

"I'm so sorry I didn't want you to get hurt or anything!" Mumbo said, holding his friend in his arms, "honestly I'm not sure whether to treat you like you've just fainted or drowned. Wouldn't want you dying on us and losing demise, would we?" He chuckled, trying to make light of the situation.

"It's ok, I'm ok...." Grian said in a croaky voice, not wanting his friend to worry further.

Mumbo then helped Grian up and they both started to move over to a nether portal so that they could go to a place where there was less of a chance of Grian getting hurt, which they both agreed was the Sahara meeting room.

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