Chapter 11; Woops.

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Hey guys, sorry to interrupt your reading but I just wanted to say that the next few chapters might take longer to come out as they have bigger plot points, to take up your time read the kissing challenge by MelonWing on A03 it made me c r y. The last few chapters are coming, the end is nye.

Grian ran out of the room, laughing knowingly about what he had just done; getting his friends to stop being little babies, suck it up and talk to each other.

He ran through the glass doors at the front of Sahara, his feet gliding over the grass as he headed over to the demise bunker. As he pressed the entrance button, walked through the white passageways and down the bubble elevator, he found himself in the entranceway that led to the vast empty space beneath it.

Walking down the stairs, out of breath from the running, he looked over to the huge dragon head that seemed to be connected into the wall. He didn't know why he and Iskall decided to put a dragon head there of all things, but in some way it had just seemed like it fit, as if it were fate. Pressing the stone button on the outside of the heads entrance, he began to run inside as to not get cut off by the piston doors barely making it in time as he heard the clunk sound of the pistons closing behind him.

As he walked slowly in the room he could hear his shoes click on the solid concrete floor. He began to think of how peaceful it was, the quiet. He slowly moved his hand over the table that was set up in the middle of the room, letting the bright purple mist of the enderchest underage move so naturally over his hand.

And as though the silence had just begun it had ended. A single small ticking sound could just be heard.

Grian looked around for an answer, confused. Where could the sound be coming from.

His thoughts were stopped as an ear piercing ringing began yelling in his ears.


And then there was white.




His hearing was the first sense that came back.

That ear piercing ring that echoed in his ears.

As he tried moving his hands up to his ears in an attempt to stop the sound he regained his second sense. Touch.

He could tell that he was in a very tight enclosed space as he couldn't move his hands. Though the material around him could only be described as some sort of corse like dirt.

It wasn't long after that when he realised that he couldn't breath, this soil mix was all around him. As soon as he realised it he moved his arms, with a great deal of struggle and pain, as he dug himself out of whatever he was buried in...

It had just hit him, he'd died and was now probably in the Halloween district. What was it called now again? He couldn't remember, his thoughts were a little preoccupied.

As he felt his hand leave the soil he was hit by a waft of cold wind, so cold that he almost retracted his arm back to his body.
Though with this cold wind he had realised that it wasn't that deep and he'd be able to get out before dying... again.

Though now he felt a new object touching his hand, it itself seemed to be a hand. And he was lifted up out of the ground, in which a lot of coughing and cold wind was involved.

"Woah, you ok there buddy?" A voice was heard. Though it wasn't very clear as even though the ringing had subsided his hearing hadn't fully come back yet,

"I... h..." he couldn't seem to form full words.

"That's ok dude, don't stress yourself. Here, let me help you up." He felt someone wrap his arms around him, pulling him up and guiding him over to- well Grian didn't know where. He'd just have to trust this stranger for now. He couldn't see the stranger though, he'd better open his eyes.

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