Chapter 6; Plans And Heartbreak

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Grian could feel himself mentally slipping back into consciousness, as he did he could hear yelling. He groaned at the realisation of the sudden noise though it had seemed to quiet down after that. He knew that he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep after this interruption, so he would have to get up.

As he slowly opened his eyelids he felt the bright, warm light of the sun sting his eyes as he was thrown off by the sudden change of lighting. After about another couple minutes of him sitting half asleep laying down on the ground as he apparently fell off the bed, he decided to stand up and start his day. He felt his knees almost buckle under him as he tried to stand himself up, as he did he saw Mumbo and Iskall talking to each other, no, he decided that they looked too aggressive to be chatting, but they wouldn't be arguing would they?

Grian slowly slugged his tired body over to his friends, who were still ignorant to the fact that he was awake. "What are you guys talking about?" Grian mumbled, rubbing his eyes,
"Oh Grian, you awake." They were startled at the least, not expecting their friend to wake before they ended the little feud they were currently having.
"Yeah, your bickering woke me up." He chuckled,
"Oh sorry, I tried to be quiet." Mumbo said glaring at the slightly taller sweedish male, crossing his arms.
"Excuse me, you were the one yelling!" Iskall said, starting to raise his voice again.
"I told you, I can't look over him today, I need to go do bee experiments with Xisuma, and it's not even my turn to look after him!" Mumbo retorted,
"Well I'm not the one who tried to drown him in the first place!" He yelled, losing his temper.


This hurt Mumbo, and they both knew it as soon as it left iskalls mouth, which was currently covered by his own hand.
"Wait Mumbo, I'm sorry I didn't mean it." Iskall said in an almost desperate voice,
"No. No I get it. I guess I'll be going then science I'm such a nuisance," he put on his elytra and took out some fireworks, "goodbye Grian, I'm sorry." was the last thing he said before he lit the firework and took off.

Grian turned back to his friend, he knew that the other didn't mean it, but he still did think that the other did take it a step too far. Nevertheless he slowly leaned over to his friend and wrapped his arms around the other, "it's ok, it's ok. I know you didn't mean it and he will too, just give him some time." He said, comforting his friend. "You should go to your base and rest, neither of us got that much sleep last night, it'll make you feel better I promise."
"But who will look after you?"  Iskall said, his voice hoarse as he tried not to cry,
"I... I have someone in mind, just go and rest, please."
"I will, thank you."

Grian waved as he watched his friend walk through the bright violet mist of the nether portal. He hoped he'd be ok. Grian lied, he didn't actually know who would have the time to look after him, the hermits were always doing something wether that be building worlds out of absolutely nothing, starting wars and stories to be remembered for the ages or... or abusing people with pranks and... and eggs... He couldn't think of anyone, as the main two people he ever speaks too are busy. He then remembered that they weren't the only people that he was becoming closer too, maybe, just maybe him and Scar could hang out again. This would kill two birds with one stone as he could both, make sure he doesn't somehow end up on the dead team like Scar, and he also gets to spend more time with him to get to know him better.

Though now he would have to try and find a way to convince Scar to come over to watch him in a way that wouldn't seem weird; maybe he could go over to his base and see if he was there, or he could just use the communicator like a normal person and not make it seem weird.

He ended up going for the communicator option as he thought it was a safer bet that'd probably make him look less creepy and weird.

"Hey what are you up to?" - Grian (10:23 am)

As he waited eagerly for a response he over thought every decision that he had just made; was he too prideful to really think that Scar would go out of his way to watch over him?, was his wording not good enough?, what will he do if Scar can't make it?
He didn't really know why he was overreacting so much, he and Scar had just started talking more and he's already become this clingy even though they have had about Six-ish occasions with each other, only about three of them being one on one, if even that.

Grian was so deep in his thoughts that he wasn't really connected with the world around him currently, so when his communicator made a large ding sound in his hand he was startled to say the least.

"Nothing much, how about you?" - Scar (10:26 )

"Same here, want to hang? I'm at Sahara right now." - Grian ( 10:26 )

Just as Grian hit send he ridiculed himself on not only replying so fast but also for automatically assuming that Scar would say yes. Nevertheless he waited impatiently for the others' reply.

"Oh yeah sure, I'm close so I'll head right over. See you in 2." - Scar (10:27)

Scar was currently just heading over to collect the profits from the Con-Corp shops. He knew that it wouldn't take nearly even half a minute to get to the Sahara warehouse but needed to calm himself down as he was currently panicking.
Not knowing what to do he grabbed the rest of the profits and dropped them off into his ender chest, deciding to drop them off later.

Scar knew that he'd probably get in trouble for handling their diamonds in such a careless way, but he had promised to be there in two minutes and it had nearly been five, time really goes fast when you're panicking, and scar, he was panicking. Most people wouldn't think that much of being two minutes late, but Scar didn't get to hang out with Grian that much and was currently ecstatic and couldn't wait to see him.

Grian was waiting in the outdoor area of the warehouse patiently waiting for Scar as he suddenly heard a very loud splat sound behind him. Startled grian turned around to see somebody's items scattered around on the floor, he just hoped that it wasn't Scar.

As if to talk of the devil, Scar had just landed behind Grian, his feet landing solidly on the ground.

"Hey Grian sorry I was- uhm, whose stuff is that?" He asked, noticing the items on the grass behind Grian.

"It was," He checked his communicator, the last message on the combined group chat read; 'DocM hit the ground too hard.' "Doc apparently." He shrugged.

"Huh should we put his stuff in a chest so it doesn't-" Scar got cut off,

"Yeah we probably should."

After the two had put the items in a chest they started to walk into the warehouse,
"So, yeah sorry about being late." Scar said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I think being late by three minutes isn't that much of a deal, I doubt I would've died within that time." He laughed. Scar looked at Grian confused and with a hint of worry in his face. Grian forgot that Scar didn't know about his drowning incident. This'd be a long day.

Hey my lovelies, I don't usually do authors notes but just wanted to apologise for not putting up a chapter for a while, not been the best up there. But I really do love writing his story, and you guys also liking it makes it all the better. Also thanks for 2k reads, I can't right now but I'll try and do some more drawings when I'm free!

Love y'all and stay healthy!

- Mafia Crow

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