Chapter 7; Comfort.

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The two walked into the meeting room, as it was one of the only rooms you could actually relax in. "So," Grian moved over to sit near the large window at the back of the room, Scar followed, "what do you want to do?" Grian asked.
"Uhm, not sure. I mean we could go-"
"I uhh, I can't leave."
"Wait. What? Why?" Scar questioned, very confused and concerned.
"Well... you see..." Grian tried to think of a way to tell the story to Scar without making him freak out, "I pressed a button, and then I nearly drowned."

Scar was doing exactly what Grian didn't want him to do. Freaking out. "You what." He was wide eyed. "Nearly drowned but you know I don't really want to become greyscale and lose..." he had started to ramble trying to get Scar to calm down. He felt his head rushing with thoughts as he tried to explain what happened without throwing his friends under the bus. He could feel his body and head heating up and his throat drying up. He could no longer keep track of his own words; they were moving the fast.

Suddenly he felt two arms wrapped tightly around him, and water running down his face.

He was crying.

"Shh... shh... it's ok. You're ok." Scar whispered into the side of Grian's head. Grian hadn't actually computed or realised the fact that he nearly died, or what trauma that actually has set on him. He was too busy focusing on the fact that other people had been upset or affected by what happened. He was almost angry, angry for not worrying about himself before his friends. Then he remembered Scar, his friend, who was currently comforting him.

As if he had just snapped back into reality, he opened his eyes and found himself back in Scars arms, being cradled. Comforting words belong whispered softly in his ears. scars shirt wet with Grian's tears. He was tightly gripping Scar's shirt, his knuckles white. His breathing started to settle. He held calm again. He felt safe.

"You feeling better?" Scar whispered.

Grian nodded weakly. His rage of emotions had seemed to tire him out as his eyelids struggled to stay open, his consciousness dragged in by the warmth of the other.

"Well, that's good. Though, could you please let go of the back of my shirt, you're choking me a bit." He chuckled. Grian weakly let go of the back of his shirt, his white knuckles going back to their usual pinky-tan colour.

As Grian's eyes slowly closed, he could feel the almost gravitational pull of sleep rest over him. He let it.



No reply.



"Hey Grian, you ok?"

Scar moved from his slightly uncomfortable position with his legs tangled with Grian's and Grian pretty much laying on top of him. With this realisation, Scar's face turned bright red and he almost rushed to move away from his friend in embarrassment.

Just as he did he felt Grian fall on him again, he was asleep. Scar chuckled, "so this how you're going to get me back; I fall asleep on top of you, I guess it's only fair you did the same." Scar moved Grian to lay down in a more comfortable position than half laying on Scar's side.

"Guess it's nap time then." He sighed getting up to move over to the random bed placed in a small room connected to the larger one, stealing the blanket. As he walked back over he placed the deep blue blanket over Grian's sleeping body.

He then moved over to lay down near his grian, placing his hat down next to him as he fell into a light sleep next to his friend. His friend...

He felt a slight pang in his chest...


He turned over to look at Grian, he was sleeping peacefully, his red shirt standing out against the small blue blanket, his hair messed up, eyes slightly puffy from the crying. The mid-day sun only doing good for his figure. His eyes moved from one detail to the next, taking it all in, the ways his eyes were slightly crinkled, the way his chest rose and fell softly, the way he slightly drooled in his sleep. Scar slightly chuckled and he felt that pain in his chest again.

He knew what it meant, he just didn't want the feelings to grow too strong. He'd gotten so far with grian. He couldn't let his feelings get the better of him, it might be selfish, but not yet.

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