Chapter 9; Feelings Are Confusing.

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The two had just finished their caving session, the warm sunset light shining through the mouth of the cave. The two were walking out of said cave, covered in dust and gravel, hands still linked. Grian was still bragging about how he scored the first out of nine diamonds they got, Scar having gotten seven of them rebutted that he got more than the other.

"Well I still have more than you!" Scar teased, sticking out his tongue.

"Well! I!..... dang it." Grian looked down, pouting though he was not actually being hurt by the others words, which the both of them could tell.

"Oh, it's sunset. How long were we down there?" Scar asked, pulling out his communicator with his spare hand before answering his own question, " four hours and thirty five minutes apparently." He looked over at Grian who was yawning.

"Well, we may as well stay here for the night. I think I'm too tired to fly home anyways." Grian chuckled sleepily, smiling at him.
"Yeah, maybe we should just make a small house or something for the night? I mean, we still have a good half an hour left or so if we're lucky." Scar said, pulling both himself and Grian out of the cave entrance.

The two both agreed that one of them would go and find some wool to make some beds as the both of them didn't have any on them, and the other would quickly make the house. So the two both quickly memorised their coordinations and set off, though forgetting that their hands were still linked, it made for an awkward departure.

Grian had agreed that he'd go and collect the wool, although this wasn't without some argument back that he 'didn't want Scar to do all the work' or that 'he didn't want to tire out his friend by making him build a house.' Though Scar insisted that he would build a house and that it was ok, as long as Grian stayed out of trouble and came back in thirty minutes so that he didn't get attacked by monsters.

So Grian chose a direction and began walking, and he'd keep walking until he found six sheep, that's all he needed. He had gotten to about four sheep within the time span of twenty five minutes as the cave was in a plains biome, "looks like it's going to be night time soon, I hope I'll find some more sheep on my way back." He mumbled to himself, beginning to walk back to the cave.

As he walked back he could feel the breeze turn cold, and he could see the shadows slowly growing. He felt a bit dumb for not bringing an extra jumper, so instead grabbed out a torch and lit it to keep himself warm. On the way back he found two more sheep, now a lot less stressed as he had now held up his side of the job.

He continued through the field, as the sun set behind him, when suddenly he heard what sounded like a hushed mumble of deep words. Oh no. Suddenly an arrow flew across the air, only a couple inches from Grian's face. He had two options and around a half a second to decide, he could either 1. Stay and fight or 2. Run.

He chose the latter.

He ran as fast as he could go in his dasy state. As he tried not to fall and had a few close encounters with a few too many arrows, he saw a small structure and light in the distance, it was hard to tell in the dark but grian could make out a small cottage around thirteen by thirteen blocks wide, with some bushes around it. As he reached the house he could see Scar in the window concerned and pacing around.

Grian's knees buckled beneath him as he opened the door and slammed it behind him and he was going to make sure that it was going to stay closed. The now very tired Grian almost forgot that Scar was also in the room, that was at least until the other started yelling at the smaller,

"Grian, thank goodness! Where were you!" Scar said, his demeanour changing half way through his sentence.

"Scar, I'm fine. Besides I got the wool." Grian said, out of breath as he pulled the six wool out of his back pocket.

"But you shouldn't have been out there for that long, you could've gotten hurt!" Scar walked over to the other, ignoring the wool on the floor.

"I just did what I needed to do and misjudged the time. Why are you so worried anyways?" He said, his tiredness turning into apathy.

"Because I care!" Scar raised his voice slightly, putting his hand on Grian's shoulder,

"You barely even know me."

His words felt like an arrow right through the heart, all their time spent together had apparently meant nothing to Grian, the world seemed to darken around Scar as he felt his stomach drop and his soul shatter before the other.

"I'm... I'm sorry." Scar said, removing his hand from the others shoulder before moving to pick up the wool Grian had dropped on the floor. He then moved over to the crafting table placed in one of the back corners of the room, taking out some spare wood he had and started crafting two beds.

Grian now felt terrible. He didn't mean to say that to Scar, he was just tired. It was like a repeat of Iskall and Mumbo's fight. What was he going to do now? It would seem disingenuous to make a big gesture as it would seem like he's only doing this to feel better about himself or make Scar not angry at him instead of actually trying to apologise for saying the things he said and make sure Scar didn't take those words to heart. Grian didn't mean them after all. Right?

"I... Scar... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." He said, looking down at his hand and remembering how nice Scar's hand felt in his, that hand was now empty.

A thick and tense silence filled the room.

"I was... I'm just tired." Grian was beginning to get nervous now, he felt the hole in his stomach deepen as he wished he could take back those words that he regretted so much.

The worst part was that the other hadn't said a thing to him, he was just crafting up some beds. It would almost seem better if Scar was yelling at him, that would at least give Grian some emotion coming from the man. But no.There was only silence apart from the muffled, low sounds of monsters outside. It was the kind of awkward silence that you can practically feel in the air, the kind that makes you feel sick and want to throw up.

Though the creeks of the newly placed floors echoed, breaking the silence.

"Here." Was the only word that Scar said as he handed the other a small white bed icon.

"I...Thank you."

Scar had already started walking to one corner of the small room where he placed down his bed. Grian decided that Scar might need some time to himself and that he could apologise later as apologising now would also seem pretty disingenuous.

So placing down the bed he laid underneath the soft white covers of the blanket, his head feeling full and his hand feeling empty.

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