Chapter 5; Sleepover At The Warehouse.

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Mumbo had called Xisuma over who was slowly turning into a concerned dad of his friends, so that he could try and see if he could help Grian in any way.

"So you say he fainted as soon as the webs let him go and because of that the water that freed him got into his airway system?" Xisuma asked, trying to get some background on the situation.

"Y-yes and then he walked up and he coughed out the blood- wait no I mean the water and there was blood in the water and-" Mumbo's fast paced word vomit of a sentence got cut off by grian trying to both calm him down and clarify what his friend just said,
"I told you, that when the webs let me go I accidentally bit down on the side of my cheek and it started bleeding, you need to calm down I'm fine."

"But you're not, and it's my fault and I'm so sorry and-" Mumbo's world spill got cut off again but this time by Xisuma talking more directly to grian as he seemed to be the calmer of the two at that current moment in time.

"Have you heard of secondary drowning or dry drowning?" He asked the smaller of the two,
"uhh, yeah isn't that that thing where you can drown after you've been saved from- oh, oh I get where you're going with this." Grian said realising that Xisuma meant that he could experience secondary drowning half way through his sentence.

"Yes, well I will need you to be watched by your friends just to make sure that that doesn't happen." Xisuma stated,
"wait but won't he just respawn or something if he dies?" Mumbo asked the same question that grian was about to,
"well yes but you wouldn't want to lose demise now would you?" Xisuma moved to stand up from where he was sitting.

They both agreed and decided that Mumbo and Iskall would try to watch over grian for the next three or four days to be assured that he would be ok.

For the rest of that day he spent the next 4 hours with Mumbo following him around as he watched him do some redstone. He would've been grateful to be able to learn some more but he couldn't for the life of him understand what Mumbo was doing. For the last couple hours and the night that followed, he spent some time with Iskall at Sahara as Iskall fixed some things around the shop, and then they chilled out as they winded down for bed,

"So, what have you been doing the past few days?" Iskall asked, sitting down next to the other,
"oh, Nothing much.You know just nearly drowning and having to watch Mumbo mess up his redstone for about 3 hours solid in which he had about 5 mental breakdowns just because he put the conductor the wrong way around." The Swedish man laughed at his answer.

"Oh that's adorable, it sounds just like him." He chuckled, staring up to the ceiling. Grian turned to face his companion who was currently staring love eyed at the ceiling, a soft pink brushing across his cheek, his mouth slightly crinkled into a light smile. That's when he knew that his friend was in love, though he probably didn't know it, no less would he admit it. Though none the less he was happy for the two, he just wondered when his significant other would appear.

To distract himself from his lonely reality he decided to medle into the other. " and Mumbo.?" He teased, knowing that they weren't actually together, Iskalls face widened slightly and as he turned his head to face his friend the small pink dust on his cheeks spreaded to his ears in a slightly more fuller red colour.
"What are you talking about?" He asked, trying to keep his temper and not turn into an embarrassed pile of mush right there.

"Well I definitely know that you both are so pining for each other." Grian said, exaggerating the 'so'.
"No no no no no, he doesn't like me." Iskall said, a slight pang in his voice, he moved his head so that he was yet again facing the ceiling. Although he was no longer looking at his friend he could still feel the others eyes on him, and though it was ok at first it soon became a slight bit uncomfortable.

He took a long sigh, and gave in as he knew that the other wouldn't give up anytime soon. "what is it then...".
"You. Like. Him." Grian said teasing the other. He hesitated.
"No. No, I don't." He said in a quiet voice. The other just started laughing, "what?" Iskall said sitting up to face the other.
"You hesitated." Grian laughed.
"Wh- no I didn't!" He retorted in a slightly louder voice.
"Uh huh sure, and I'm the Queen of England." He said in a posh English accent.
"Ok fine you win, you win." Iskall laughed. Grian's smile only widened, he didn't think his friend was actually going to admit to this anytime soon, but here he was listening to his friend talking about how he 'may have a little crush' on one of his other close friends.

The blush on iskalls face only turned darker and the smile on his face only widened as he opened up about how he liked his friend, neither of them could've stopped Iskall talking about this, as his confession eventually became a rant, but both of them probably wouldn't have either way.

Eventually after about 10 more minutes of some gay rant, Iskall had calmed himself down. "So, now that I've confessed-" Iskall said, getting cut off,
"You did more than just 'confess'" Grian said, teasing his friend.
"Yeah, yeah sure." Iskall said "Anyways, now that I've confessed, is there anyone that you've been pining for?" He continued with genuine curiosity.
"Hm? What are you talking about?",
"You know, who do you think- or wait, who do you want to be with?" Iskall asked, raising his eyebrows as he smirked at the other,
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not interested in anyone."
"Hmmm sure" he said suspiciously,
"Well I'll be heading off to bed now, you know I'm tired and all that, i'll see you tomorrow" Grian said finishing their conversation with a pang in his voice.
"Oh, ok then. I'll... I'll see you tomorrow." Iskall said, confused and wondering if he'd hurt his friend, though he decided that he didn't want to accidentally rub salt in the wound, so he let it be. Maybe they could talk about it tomorrow.

Wow look it's the end of the story. But wow look it's also... an authors note!

I just had to say that I cannot believe how much attention I've gotten on this with nearly 1000 reads as well as 63 votes and a fair few comments. So just wanted to thank y'all for the support.

Love ya!~~

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