13; Silence.

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It had been three weeks since Scars 'disappearance' from the server. Not much had changed, Iskall and mumbo found out that Grian had died, and Grian then reassured them that he wouldn't kill them. Iskall finally got the guts to ask Mumbo out, to which they made out on the table for five minutes until Grian walked in, then immediately back out.

Grian though, he had changed a lot. The scene of Scar and him at that picnic played over and over in his head until it started to eat away at his soul, and he had been doing so for the past three weeks.

From Grian's perspective, he had just started to realise his affection for this man who seemed to immediately tell him some sort of confession, Grian then blamed his view of it being romantic on this new found affection clouding his vision. But now that Scar had been gone for three weeks, he wasn't sure anymore.

He remembered passing Cub in the shopping district one time and asking him how Scar was doing. He looked angry when Grian first talked to him but then a little more sad once Grian asked about Scar,

"He's just been feeling sick, he came down with something not too long ago and can't really get out of bed for too long so I've been taking care of him."

Grian had offered to help but Cub immediately turned him down, apparently he didn't want anyone else to catch it. The excuse seemed fair enough at the time, but now it was becoming a little less believable. I mean, one weeks understandable but three bedridden weeks? Either Xisuma needs to check up on something important, or there's a bit of foul play going on here.

And with the fact that Grian tried to message him later that day asking him how he was, he never got a response. At first it chalked up to him probably just not seeing the text, but he didn't reply to any of the other messages either. It just didn't add up. Was Scar mad at him? Did Grian do something wrong? He was starting to worry now, the dread weighing his chest down like a weight.

"Hey G-man, you good?" Iskall called out, waving his hand in front of the others face.

"Yeah, yeah. Just a little out of it today." He mumbled back.

"Today? Grian you've been like this for the past week, we're worried." Mumbo spoke up.

"I told you I'm fine, I just need time time to myself ok?" Grian was starting to get irritated and didn't want to get angry, they didn't deserve that. So he took his leave.


It had been four weeks now and Scar had finally come out of hiding, everyone either texted him a 'congrats on getting better' or went to see him in person to say it themselves with gifts. Grian opted for the messages, hoping that Scar would at least see it.

Scar and Grian

Grian: hey dude, congrats on getting better. Maybe
we could catch up sometime?

He sat his communicator down next to him, and continued sorting through the chest monster next to him. Around five minutes later he was bored again, so he decided to check the message.

Scar: typing...

Well that was a first. Not only had Scar seen it but he was (hopefully) going to reply to it too.

Scar: thank you. :)

A simple reply, not much meaning in it, but it felt like so much to Grian. Sure, Scar didn't even try to answer the question about talking again but at least he replied to one of Grian's messages. This Just proved that Scar wasn't mad at him, unless that smiley face was passive aggressive...

oh no.

Before he started to panic again he finally thought about maybe talking about his feelings to someone, finally get them off his chest. But who?

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