Part 8; Caving

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Grian felt the light bringing to peck the back of his neck, stirring him awake. As he weakly opened his eyes he could see a blurry figure in front of him; a couple of inches away from his nose was an unconscious Scar. Whereas most people would've been unnerved or uncomfortable by this situation, Grian felt comfort staring at how the others equally as messy hair fell softly over his sleeping face. He couldn't help the small smile from spreading over his face.

He continued to stare at Scar's features until the other started to shuffle on the floor next to him, "Morning Scar." He smiled,
"Morning G." Scar mumbled back. He started to sit up, stretching out his body from the uncomfortable night on the floor, "ugh, what time is it." Scar asked,
"Uhm, it's ugh," Grian looked around for his communicator, which always held the time, "9:48" He finished, laying back down and flapping his arms back on the floor just missing Scar's shoulder.

"Wanna do something?" Scar asked, putting on his cowboy hat.
"What do you want to do?" Grian moved to sit up on his elbows,
"Uhm...caving's a thing?" Scar said, as it was the first thing that popped up in his head.
"Caving?" Grian flopped back down again,
"Fine then we'll do something else." Scar crossed his arms sarcastically.
"No, wait. Fine, We'll go caving." Grian said, taking this as a competition to see how fun he could make this boring task.


They had been flying for a solid 10 minutes, just talking about things like new updates and pushing each other off balance. Until they spotted a rather large cave and decided that they had flown long enough. It was in the middle of a plains biome which was surrounded by a birch and spruce forest, there was also a dark oak and mushroom forest not too far from said cave.

"Well we've flown far enough that I don't think that anyone's been in these caves." Scar said, starting to fly down to the cave a few hundred blocks underneath them.

As they both landed at the entrance of the cave, they looked inside trying to find any torches to show that the cave had already been explored. After finding nothing they decided that they could go caving here.

"Jeeze, I can't even remember the last time I went caving. Unless I found one though strip-mining of cause." Scar said, trying to stir up some conversation,
"Same here, just hoping I won't join you on the other side after this." Grian said, remembering how unlikely it was that the two would come out alive.

They both quickly punched some trees, as they somehow both forgot to bring torches, and made their way through the mouth of the cave. As they made their way down into the long dark tunnel, they started to put up some torches,

"Wait Scar no," grian walked up to Scar, taking the torch off of the wall,
"if we put them all on the left then we will know which way to come up, so we won't get lost." He put the torch on the correct side to mirror what had been previously done before.

"Well that's just stupid, can't we just dig ourselves out?" Scar retorted, his hands on his hips.
"Well... um..." Grian didn't know what to say back, as Scar had made a fairly good point, they did both have diamond pickaxes, that were enchanted with both mending and unbreaking III at least. "Listen..." Grian looked like he was about to have a mental breakdown, which of course worried Scar, seeing Grian's little breakdown yesterday he knew that the other would be in a little bit of a fragile state.

"Ugh, fine." Scar sighed, sarcastically. He grabbed the other torch that was on the right side and placed it on the left. Although his pride and stubbornness was against it, he knew it was the right thing to do, and he knew that it would make the other happier, which it did.

Grian giggled, and gosh did Scar love that giggle, then continued to walk down the cold damp cave, placing torches on the right hand side, fairly evenly, along the way.

"You coming?" Grian called, from a bit further down the cave, his voice echoing. Scar had frozen himself into place, thoughts of the man standing in front of him rushing through his mind. Though he pulled himself out of this trance and continued onward with the other, into the deep unknowns of this cave.

About 20 minutes in, they had collected about forty three iron, seventeen gold, one and a bit stacks of redstone and were now betting to see who could find the first diamond. The winner was to get all of the other caving loot they found.

"I feel like we've been down here for hours now, and still no diamonds! What! Are we even on the right Y level?" Grian said, flinging out his arms, annoyed at how long they had been walking in the, now dry, but still dark, cave.
"Uhm," Scar checked his communicator, to see what coordinates they were currently at "yeah, Y11." Scar looked up, but to his surprise Grian wasn't there.
"Uhm... Grian?" He continued walking until he saw a shadowy figure standing in the dark.

Scar pulled out his sword, expecting it to be a zombie, or possibly even a skeleton, but when he lit up another torch he found an almost shocked, Scared looking Grian.
He put the torch on the wall, to better light up the cave and in doing so found a very webbed up room. Scar immediately connected this to be something that had to do with the drowning situation and realised how horrible that must feel for grian.

Putting down his sword Scar managed to pull Grian's vision away from the webs, moving Grian's chin to look at Scar.

"You ok?" Scar said in a soft comforting voice, Grian could see the worry that laced his friends eyes. He could only nod, Grian was scared that if he let out a sound, he'd just start crying again. "Do you want to leave, or would you like to stay down here?" Scar asked, holding Grian's head up to face him. The other nodded weakly again, and moved his legs to continue down the darkened cave.

They continued walking, though now a little slower, and they now walked in silence. Though unlike the silence that they had when they sat together in the foyer of Grian and Iskall's demise base, this time it was a deep uncomfortable silence that felt like if anyone talked it would probably just get worse.

Through the corner of his eye, Scar could see Grian slightly shaking. Scar wanted to comfort his friend, but didn't want to intrude on his feelings. So he did the only rational thing his mind could come to at that moment, he moved his hand over the already small gap between the two and went to link hands with the other.

"Uhm, Scar?" Grian looked up at the other, his voice slightly weak. Scar immediately moved his hand away and became very flustered, trying to defend his actions.
"Well you, you were shaking, and, you see- I-" Scar began ranting quite loudly.
Grian just giggled and moved his hand over and linked it with Scars.

"thank you" he smiled.

"You're.... you're welcome." Scar smiled, looking forward into the dark cave that laid ahead of the two.

Sorry! I have some of the next chapters already finished, I just keep forgetting to post them. Ill be posting a authors note chapter in an hour or two with a drawing to make up for the lateness. :D

Love y'all,


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