Chapter 6 : Plan To Get Away! Monstrox Attack!

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POS: Aaron

We had just begun the battle against the monsters and Silent Mask. I agree with Lance. What kind of a name is that?! Well, how do you say, SILENT MASK. Weird, the Silent Mask. If we could take that mask off and find out who he is... Then again, why is he saying Clay's dead. Dead what! Clay wouldn't let himself be killed so easily. They must have him in custody, I hope he's all right. And if they tortured him or treated him badly... No, that's not possible. Why would Ruina torture her own son. She must still love him a little. A little, just a little bit.

Anyway, there weren't many monsters. It's strange. He usually sends us a bunch of them. And here it's mostly the stranger who fights.

I know this because all the knights were trying to stop him. But he was always using his magic. Bella's group was more focused on the monsters.

POS: External

The knights constantly attacked Silent Mask but were always repelled.

"I have to say he's pretty good," Naoki said from the base (talking about Clay).

They had a hologram of the battlefield above the table.

"He's not the best knight and magician in the kingdom for nothing" said Monstrox.

"So you're saying he's better than you?" Asked Naoki.

"Of course not! Of course not! I'm a dark sorcerer, not a wizard."

"Of course. I'm not a specialist in magic. I'm a scientist, I remind you. My thing is science."

"I understand you, don't worry," said Ruina, "No need to remind us who you are. You're just wasting your filth on useless talk."

Then she contacted Clay by earpiece (something like that).

"Get rid of them as fast as you can and get back to base."

"Good," says Clay (Silent Mask).

"Aaah!!" Shouted the knights

They were rejected again.

"Forsaken and gone"


"Why is it so hard?!" Lance screams, "He's all alone! I thought the key to success was teamwork!"

"It doesn't always work out, I guess," says Macy.

"I may have an idea," said Aaron, "Bella!"

"Yes?" She said as she came in

"Would you beat him?"

"What? Me? But if you couldn't beat him. Why would I know?"

"Because you know how to use magic"


She used her magic as a Silent Mask. (So think of episode 12 of season 2 of Ninjago. Lloyd versus his father, who is controlled by Overlord).

"Who are you? "Asked Silent Mask

"My name is Bella."

He watched him.


He didn't answer and launched a powerful attack that drove everyone back.

POS: Bella

The knights and my friends and I had just been repulsed by a devastating attack. Everyone was on the ground.

"Go away and never come back."

"All right," I said.

"What?!" I heard everyone say. "We can't win this battle."

Aaron's thinking. "She's right. We lost this battle but we'll win the war, folks."

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