Chapter 3: Do I know You?

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I walked back into the living room and out of the door to Tyrell's car. Mariah was outside leaning against the car waiting for me on her phone.

"Finally I was just about to text you. I thought you fell for one of their tricks this time" she laughed.

"Are you sober enough to drive back to my house? Because that comment you just may have me believing you are drunk as fuck" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I'm sober enough" she tried to justify but when she moved from the car she almost fell and I caught her. "Correction my mind is sober... My body, not so much" I opened the front door and put her in the car then I took out my phone and called kaiden.

"What's up baby?" He answered and I heard all the guys in the back letting out 'ou's. They are so immature it's unbelieveable.

"Just drive Mariah's car back to my house" I told him rolling my eyes.

"Movie night still on?" He asked. We normally have movie night every Saturday at my house because they claim it's bigger and better.

"I guess so" then I hung up.

"Do I know you?" I heard a voice and turned around to see Jordan.

"Hmmmm... Let me think.... You haven't fucked me so no. You don't know me" he chuckled as I started to walk to the driver's side.

"Are you sure? You look so familiar. It's either I know you or you look like someone I know." He said as I got inside the car.

"Maybe a girl you've fucked." I shrugged.

"Is that shade I feel?" He chuckled. "You're shady but cute" he smirked.

"Just know I'm not that girl. You only been here for what? Four, or five weeks and already have a reputation as a fuck boy" I started the car and he bent down to the window.

"You know I could fix that attitude right?" He said lowly as I raised a brow.

"If by fix you mean fuck this attitude out of me then you just ran out of luck Bradley" he smirked.

"I hope you know how to drive this..."

"Porsche Panamera?" I completed his sentence.

"Oh. She knows her cars." He said surprised. "Isn't it a little to extreme for you tho?" I gave him a glare and he stood up from the window.

"Keep pushing my buttons Bradley and I'll show you extreme" I pulled out of the drive way and sped down the road. I look in my rear view mirror and I saw him look this way with his hands in his pocket, he walked back inside and I sighed. Tyrell was knocked out in the back seat and Mariah was giving me that look. "No! Don't you dare say it! You say it everytime and this time you're completely wrong!" I growled at her.

"Say what? I didn't even say anything" she played innocent.

"Mariah" I warned.

"Fine I won't say it because I know you know exactly what I'm thinking" I rolled my eyes as I pulled into my driveway.

"Get out of my fucking car" she giggled as I turned the car off and got out. I went to the back and woke up Tyrell. "You to. Although it's your car" I said and we helped him out and into the house. Mom was sitting on the couch when we walked in.

"Hey gu--" she stopped when she saw Tyrell. "How did you both let this happen?!" She asked furiously.

"It's kaiden's fault!" Mariah and I defended in unison.

"Carry him in his room. I could handle him. You girls go get some sleep" we nodded as my mom walked into the kitchen and we went upstairs.

We took a shower and got ready for bed. I decided to check on Ty and see how he was.

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