Chapter 12: The Truth Hurts

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Mom got up making her way through the aisle of shelves before reappearing a minute later with four guns, two daggers, and a bow and arrow.

She threw the gun to my father, who caught it and threw it to my aunt. She then passed it to my uncle and they did the same with the other two guns until every adult had one.

"My dad taught me how to use ring daggers" mom explained spinning the knives in her fingers. "And I taught myself how to use a gun. I still prefer the daggers tho" she put the ring dagger knives in the holster and sat down next to dad who pulled her closer to him.

"So yeah. Also might be known to most people as the... Capo dei capi. The five if us together is the capo dei capi squad..." mom said softly.

"T- the capo dei capi squad huh?" said blankly staring at the floor. "The most lethal squad in America. I- umm...." I paused not knowing what to say next, still trying to wrap my head around this.

"I don't think not one highschool kid hasn't heard about you guys." I finally looked at our parents pointing out that detail.

"Yup not one kid hasn't." Ty chimed in clarifying my claim.

I had completely forgotten that he was there for a second. I forgot everyone was here for a split seconds as a matter of fact!

"And one last thing... I'm sorry Nate but there's a bounty on your head." Mom spat out, as if our brains weren't already inflated with info.

"A what?!" We all asked in unison.

"Yeah when you were born a bounty of twenty mil alive; seventeen mil dead was put on your head. It's the reason why Alex isn't always around for long, he spent 6 years traveling the world to find out who holds the bounty. He still is traveling as we speak, he's currently in... France I think." Mom took out her phone and opened it.

I can speak for everyone when I say we were shocked. This whole evening was a shocking moment; needless to say.

Mom tucked her phone away, back into her pocket with a sigh.

"Yeah, he's in France with a few friends right now trying to crack the case."

"So you mean to tell me all my life I was being hunted down?" Nathan asked and mom nodded.

"Any... And maybe every druglord, Assassin, mercenary, or bounty hunter is out for you and not for the money alone. You know the clout druglords can get for killing the nephew of America's most feared drug queen?" She scoffed.

"And not even just that your guys heard the name of capo dei capi now before I even told you. That name is probably ringing in the streets of Manhattan. Only a few members of drug families and a few druglords know my real name and face. Everything else is a mystery to the outside people and some uprising crime families." Mom explained more and I just realized how scary that is. If someone just finds out and it gets out to the school or something... I don't know what'll happen.

I never knew mom could be feared so much. She's so nice, caring and harmless.

But I guess we can't say harmless anymore now can we?

"Okay, but you mean to tell me I'm only worth twenty mil?" Nathan asked and I rolled my eyes before face palming myself. "No wonder I'm not dead yet."

"Don't jinx it kiddo, this isn't a game. Also you ain't dead yet because we go through a great deal to keep you alive." Mom told Nate matter-of-factly before her phone started ringing and she answered it.

"What is it B?" She put the phone on speaker.

"I think Alex will be back in a few days ma'am" the male's voice boom through the room and mom groaned. Ma'am?! Who's calling her ma'am?!

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