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^^^probably going to have to play twice

I jumped around in excitement and repeated, "I'm going on tour! I'm going on tour! I'm going on tour!" I started packing clothes for 3 weeks. The tour was scheduled June 13th to July 1st. I quickly packed my things.

The fans kind of predicted that I was going on the Stranger Friends Tour. They know we are close and Kevin had mentioned bringing me in a video he made and that sparked a lot of talking about it on Twitter, Instagram, etc.

I checked the time on the plane ticket and it read 1 PM. It was 10 AM and I needed to leave in an hour. It took one hour to get to the airport. I made sure I had everything I needed and left my apartment.


I had just walked in the airport and my phone rang. At the top it read colby🩸. I pressed accept and put the phone up to my ear.

phone call

bold = ava
italics = colby


Hi! Are you at the airport yet?


Okay. I can't wait to see you! I'm so excited!

Ew, you're so cringy. But anyways where should I meet you guys?

The Krac House.

Kk. I'll get the address from Tara.

Wait! When are you gonna get here?

Uhhh, at- Wait never mind. It's a surprise hehe.


Bye dummy.

You're so mean.

I know. Bye bye.

Bye stupid. Haha.

Hey! That doesn't mean that you-

real life

Colby hung up the line. I sighed and rolled my eyes while shaking my head. I brought my phone down from my ear and was about to text Tara for the address.

As I started walking with my suitcase trailing behind me, I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I said and looked up to see a guy about my age and a girl that was probably in middle school. She looked up and gasped.

"Are you Ava Smith?!" She asked excitedly. I looked at her in awe and nodded.

"Yeah! What's your name?" I asked.

"My name is Emma! I love you and I'm a really big fan!" She squealed. "Can I get a picture? My brother will take it!" The boy looked up at me and smiled.

"Of course! You're so sweet!" I said. Her brother took out his phone. I bent down next to Emma and smiled. He took a few pictures.

I was about to walk away when Emma asked one more thing.

"Wait! Are you going on the tour?" She asked. I nodded and she jumped around. "I'm going to see them on tour! I'm going to see you again! Don't forget me!" I smiled.

"Of course not! Bye it was nice meeting you!" I said before walking to the desk in the airport. I smiled to myself. She was so cute. I replayed her words in my head. "Don't forget me!"

I always love when I get recognized in public. It boosts my mood to see that there are people that care for me. I care for them so much too and love them all.

a/n: hey guys! i have many more chapters in the works. tell me if i should fix anything. i want to hear your opinions. thank you!!

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