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a/n: i'm skipped the rest of the day bc they just chilled in the traphouse the whole day, nothing special lmao

June 10, 2020
3 days until tour

"Can I have the list?" Jake asked right as we walked into the store.

"Sure." I said, giving him the food list. He started walking towards the snacks isle. "No," I directed him the other way towards the frozen isle. "We'll get that stuff later."

"You're so boring." He groaned.


"Now can we go to the snack aisle?" Jake asked. He jumped up and down while pushing the cart. I was on the front of the cart.

"Fine." I replied.

"Yay!" He exclaimed. He started running and put his feet on a bar at the bottom so his feet wouldn't touch the ground. We sped across the store, passing multiple aisles until Jake turned right into his favorite aisle. He ran to the shelf and took big bags of potato chips, Doritos, and Cheetos.

"Can you get the Sour Patch Kids and Gummy Bears for me?" I asked Jake while pointing to the candy.

"Sure." He answered as he reached for them and threw the bags in the cart. I took Jake's camera from the baby seat of the cart and turned it on.

"Okay, so I just wanted to vlog because I'm bored. I don't care if this is Jake's video, I'm taking over." I said to the camera.

"Hey! You can't do that! It's my birthday tomorrow!" He whined.

"I only have to be nice to you on your birthday." I chuckled. "Anyways," I looked back at the camera. "We are getting snacks because Jake wouldn't stop whining for them. He got chips and shit and I got candy." Jake started pushing me and the food towards the self-checkout. He unloaded the things and paid while I was just rambling to the camera. We were out quickly and I didn't even realize. "Wait we're already done?"

"Yup." Jake responded. "While you were babbling, I paid for everything." He opened the backseat door of his car and started putting the food inside the car. I put the camera down and helped him.


I got into the passenger seat of the car and Jake got into the driver's seat. I pulled out my phone and the time read 6:47 PM.

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"Jake!" I yelled.

"What?" He asked.

"You used my credit card to pay?!" I asked.

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