t h r e e

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I showed the lady my ticket and headed off towards Starbucks. I ordered and while I was waiting for my drink, I texted Tara.



11:57 AM

hey!! i wanted to know the address of the krac house because colbert told me to meet u guys there

of course! it's ############## and if were not there key is under door mat
also when are you coming?

ofc its under the mat lmfao
also it's a surprise but i'll be boarding the plane in an hour or two *wink wink*

ok ill see you later cookie:)

:)) kk bye tari :P

real life

At 12:30, my plane was called and I boarded.

There was surprisingly no one beside me so I placed my bags there.


After about 15 minutes, the flight attendant started talking, then the pilot.
"Get ready for take off." The voice of the pilot said through the speakers. I took a deep breath. The plane started moving and I closed my eyes. Soon, we were gliding through the air.

I put my airpods in and looked out the window. I fell asleep about an hour after that.


I woke up to turbulence. We were landing and I sighed in relief. I took out my phone and the time read 3:01 PM.

"Only 3?" I asked myself. "Oh time zones." I realized that right now in Maryland it's 6 and California is 3 hours back.


Once we landed, I got my bags and everyone started to exit the plane. I was happy to be off because honestly, planes scare me.

Should I order food? They probably already ate... Oh whatever. I ordered 3 pies of pizza to be delivered to the Krac House. Then I got an uber.


The uber pulled up to the front entrance where I was waiting. I got in the car and the driver introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Emily and I will be you're driver." She said turning around towards me. Then she widened her eyes. "You are Ava Smith right?"

"Yeah." I chuckled a bit.

"Do you mind if I got a quick picture with you? My friends and I are big fans of you!" She exclaimed.

"Sure." I said. We took a selfie and she started the car.

"Okay where to?" She asked. I gave her the address. She pressed the gas and we started down the street. "So, are you going on the tour?" I sighed. I honestly didn't want to tell a lot of people. I was going to tell them later and I wanted my fans to be surprised.

"Uh yes. I was planning to tell my fans in a few hours." I responded.

"Yes! I'm going to see all of you guys!" She squealed.


After that, we talked about tour, Colby and Jake (who she had massive crushes on), and other things.


I thanked Emily and got out of the car. She waved goodbye and drove out of the driveway. I turned so I was facing the Krac House. I just stared at it for a few moments before I decided to go inside. I walked up to the door and tugged on the handle and the door didn't open. I knocked twice and no one answered so I kicked the door mat up with my shoe and there was the key. I picked it up and unlocked the door. As the door opened, my mouth dropped. The house was really cool and I had it to myself! I kicked off my shoes, closed the door, and started walking around.

I walked into a big room and realized it was the filming room. I scanned the room and I jumped when I saw the human-sized Spiderman doll Reggie has around the house.

"Fuck!" I shouted. I'm not really the "cursing-type-of-person", but I only do sometimes. I immediately ran out of the room and closed the door.


After I explored the house, I sat down on the couch and found a bag of chips sitting on the floor. A few minutes had passed when there was a knock at the door.

a/n: if you can, please share my story. i'm working really hard on this and i don't want it to flop. thank u!!

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