t w e l v e

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"Do you think it's been five minutes?" I asked.

"Yeah." Colby chuckled. I grabbed Colby's hand and we started walking around looking for the others.


We were walking when I heard rustling. I looked to my right into the Microsoft store. I saw the Minecraft Steve cut out shaking. I smirked and peeked behind it.

"We're going to get found!" Tara whispered to Jake.

"No we're not. This is a great hiding spot." Jake whispered back.

"Yeah. Perfect hiding spot." I chuckled. They both looked at me.

"I told you!" Tara whined.

"I'm sorry!" Jake said. They struggled to get out from behind the cut out. Once they were out, they noticed me and Colby holding hands. Their faces lit up.

"Ooohhh!" Tara squealed.

"We're not dating." I groaned.

"Oh I thought Ava actually had a boyfriend." Jake sighed.

"It's not like I've never had one." I said.

"Well you had one in middle school which didn't go according to plan and in high school you had three. Oh, I mean two. You had a bitchy one that dropped you for that girl Vanessa and then you had a really nice one but he moved out here to LA so you guys had to break up. You said you wouldn't date again until you we're out of high school." Tara said.

"We're not going to talk about any of that." I said.

"What happened in high school?" Jake asked. He smirked.

"I think we should look for the others." I said, attempting to change the conversation. I let go of Colby's hand and started walking but Jake wouldn't let me get away that easy.

"What happened in high school? What happened in high school? What happened in high school?" He kept repeating.

"If she doesn't want to talk about it, she doesn't want to talk about it." Colby interrupted.

"I've told you Jake." Tara said.

"Wait if he knows, I want to know." Colby said, catching up to me.

"You didn't tell Colby?" Tara asked. I turned around and widened my eyes.

"Well um, uh, no." I stuttered. "Only Tara, Jake, my brother, Bryce, and Sam know..."

"Oh wait was it Em-" Jake started.

"Shush!" I said loudly.

"Oh so it was." Jake said.

"Yes." I sighed. I continued walking.

"Are you still-" Jake said.

"Yes Jake! Now be quiet." Tara sighed.

"Why can't I know?" Colby asked. "I thought I'm your best friend."

"One of them!" Tara exclaimed. "I'm number one."

"Can we not talk about it?" I asked.

"I want to know!" Colby whined.

"Later." I groaned.

"Fine." Colby whined.


We found the others after and now it was my job to distract Jake.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked Jake.

"Um...Oh! Can we go on the little scooter animal things?" He asked.

"Ugh fine." I groaned.

"Yes!" He exclaimed and ran to the escalator. We spotted the electric animal scooters. "I call the pink doggy!" Jake ran straight to the shop.

"I call elephant!" I yelled after him. Once I got over there, I saw a sad look on his face.

"What's wrong Jakey?" I asked, ruffling his hair.

"They won't let me go on because I'm too old and heavy." He pouted. I smirked and walked overto the guy.

"Can I go on?" I asked him.

"Of course young lady!" He exclaimed. I paid him 5 dollars and turned around. Jake's jaw was on the ground.

"And that's how you do it." I whispered and patted Jake on the back while walking past him. I mounted the little elephant and turned the handle bar for it to go forward. I waved at Jake and all he did was shake his head and smile.


5 dollars=10 minutes. The 10 minutes had gone by quickly. I drove the scooter back to the shop and stepped off.

"Can we go to Hollister?" I asked Jake.

"No Gucci store." Jake disagreed.

"I'm not buying you anything from there." I told him.

"I know, I just want to look around." He replied.

"Okay c'mon." I said. We walked off to the gucci store.


Colby soon texted me saying that they were done and we were going to meet at the entrance. It was now 7 PM and it had been a long day and I was ready to go to bed. Jake and I had been waiting at the entrance for about 15 minutes and there was no sign of them.

"Boo!" Someone exclaimed. I jumped and turned around, to see Sam and the others.

"Where have you guys been?" I asked.

"Uh, couldn't find the entrance. I mean this mall is pretty big." Sam explained.

"Yeah ok." I said.

When we got home, I changed into the same pajamas I had on the night before.

"So am I sleeping in your room?" I asked Colby. I was rinsing the makeup off my face and Colby was brushing his teeth.

"Only if you want to." He answered.

"Okay. Guess I am then." I said. I stepped out of the bathroom, into his room. I grabbed a few blankets out of my bag and set them down on the floor. Colby walked out of the bathroom.

"I'm not going to let you sleep on the floor." He said while rolling his eyes. "You can sleep in my bed."

"Why? I can fall asleep on the floor." I lied.

"I know you. You told me that sleeping on floors are the most uncomfortable thing ever." He laughed.

"Okay fine. If you say so." I sighed. I picked the blankets up and shoved them back into my bag. I slipped under the blankets on Colby's bed and rested my head on the pillow. Colby came into my view and he kissed me on my head.

"Goodnight." He said softly. I blushed and smiled.

"Goodnight Colbear." I said back. The room went dark and I felt the bed dip down next to me as Colby got into the bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Colby had forgotten about before, which was relieving.

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