t h i r t e e n

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June 8, 2020
5 days until tour

I woke up to a ding from my phone. I groaned and grabbed it off the nightstand beside me.


6:56 AM

ava are you up

you woke me up you ding dong

too bad
where are you going to be today?

address is ###############

ok thanks
bring your bathing suit :)
i'll see u later doe
i'm so excited!!

me too :))))
okay bye 😌

real time

I sat up and looked around. I realized I was in Colby's room. I looked to my right and saw Colby sleeping peacefully. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Then I stood up and walked out and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. What would they like? Pancakes? Pancakes are fine.

I heard footsteps and turned around. I saw Sam standing there. He groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Making pancakes." I replied.

"At 7 in the morning? Wow." He said. He walked over to the coffee maker and turned it on.

"Do you like plain?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said as he put a k-cup in the top of the coffee maker and his coffee cup under it. He closed the top, pressed a button and the coffee poured down into the cup.

"Okay." I said. "Here is your pancakes." I gave him a plate with 3 plain pancakes on it. He took it from me and took a pancake from the plate. He took a bit and nodded.

"These are pretty good!" He exclaimed.

"Good." I responded.

Sam and I talked until the others woke up.


"Why are you guys up so early?" I heard Jake groan.

"It's 8:30." I replied. Jake walked into the kitchen and let out a big yawn. I handed him a plate of pancakes.

"These are good." Jake yawned. After that, the rest came down and had pancakes.


"So what time is Bryce picking you up?" Tara asked me while the others were talking.

"In half an hour." I yawned. Then I realized. "In half an hour! I have to get ready!" I ran out of the kitchen, Tara following. We ran up into Colby's room where my suitcase was.

"What are you going to wear?!" She yelled. She opened my suitcase and starts throwing stuff around. Then she pulled out a white crop top, gray high waisted spandex shorts, and a Beverly Hills sweatshirt. "Here!" She threw the clothes at me and I caught them in my arms.

pumpkin // c. brockWhere stories live. Discover now