f o u r t y t h r e e

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"You got the boxes shipped, right honey?" My mom asked me. We were on our way to the airport.

"Yeah, don't worry, I got everything, mom" I said with a little laugh.

"Okay, I'm just nervous, I mean my babies are moving to California."

"We're 21." Jack chuckled.

"But you've lived here you're whole life. But I'm also really happy you're moving. You'll be with all you're friends and boyfriend, your sister. And because you're rooms were a mess and you were never going to clean them up." We laughed. "So anyways, did you find a house or apartment?"

"Yeah, Tara's place." I gave her a smile.

"You can't just put this all on Tara!"

"We aren't. We're just leeching off of her for a few days."

"Yeah." Jack said.

"That's not okay! Why not Charlie's place?"

"She said it was and we don't feel like asking Charlie." Jack shrugged.

"Only if Tara said so."


I got my suitcase out of the car and so did Jack. Mom closed the truck and we made our way inside.


"We need to go through security, okay mom? I love you so much and I'll miss you a lot." I said as I hugged her. She kissed me on the cheek.

"I'll miss you too, honey." She put out an arm so Jack could join the hug. "I love you too, okay?"

"Okay, mom." We both said. She let go of us and we waved to her as we started walking towards security. We waved and she waved sadly.


We landed in LAX 5 hours later. The time was 3. It felt really good to be back in California. I was overly-excited to see everyone again.


Jack knocked on Tara's door. When she opened it, she gasped and tackled me in a hug.

"Hey Tara." I said.

"Yay yay yay!" She exclaimed. She hugged Jack. "I can't believe you're here oh my god!!" She ushered us into her apartment.

"Wait, did you tell anyone we're here?" I asked.

"No, you didn't tell me to so I thought you wanted to surprise them."

"Good, that was our intentions." Jack said.

"Okay! You wanna go over tomo-"

"Yes!" I cut her off.


Jack slept on the couch and I slept in Tara's bed. I didn't go to sleep until late because I was up late thinking about seeing everyone again. It was really exciting.

july 28

I heard faint talking outside Tara's bedroom. I looked over to Tara to see that she was gone. I sat up and furrowed my eyebrows.

pumpkin // c. brockWhere stories live. Discover now