t h i r t y e i g h t

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july 9
aryia's birthday

aryia's pov

"It's my birthday, hoes!" I yelled as I walked into the living room. Reggie and Cassie were on the couch and Kevin was in the kitchen, making breakfast.

"Happy birthday, whore!" They all yelled back.

"Since when do you make breakfast, Kevin?" I asked.

"Since...now!" He exclaimed. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"So when are we going to the Traphouse?" Reggie asked.

"We go there like literally everyday. Maybe we should take a rest...but yeah, when are we going?" Cassie asked.

"I don't know, whenever? I mean Reggie always barges in there and Ava texted me the other day and said..." I pulled my phone out and read the text out loud. "Tell Reggie to go home. No one wants him here." Reggie gasped.

"So mean." He said while shaking his head.

"I mean you always break in to their house." Kevin added.

"Blah, blah, blah." Reggie groaned.

"I guess we're going after breakfast." I shrugged.


Kevin opened the door.

"Get out!" I heard Colby yell.

"How does he know we're even here?" Reggie asked.

"I don't know, it's not like we're always here." I said sarcastically.

"Reggie's not allowed in here!" Ava yelled. Reggie rolled his eyes and stepped inside.

"You don't even live here!" Reggie shouted.

"I mean I'm leaving tomorrow." She said while walking into the room. I could feel the mood go down when she said that. I looked back at everyone and they looked upset. Even Reggie looked sad. I realized she would be gone and she might not be coming back any time soon. "But let's not think about that because it makes me sad."


In the afternoon, we all tried making a cake for me. In the end, it didn't look amazing, but it tasted great.


third person pov

"Hey Colby." Sam said.


"Do you remember that cliff side that we went to?"

"Yeah, of course."

"We should take Ava there. I don't know if that sounds stupid." Sam laughed at himself.

"No that's a great idea!"

ava's pov

Sam and Colby walked into the kitchen where I was sitting. I rubbed my face in discomfort.

"Hey pumpkin. Sam and I wanted to take you and the everyone else to this cliff side near the house to watch the sunset. It's really pretty and I know you would like it." Colby said. I looked up at him and gave him a soft smile. I nodded and he smiled back.


The car pulled over onto the side of the road. We all got out and so did everyone else in the other car. I turned around and looked at the view. I sighed before Colby took my hand and started walking.

pumpkin // c. brockWhere stories live. Discover now