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"There's pizza in the kitchen!" I yelled so everyone could hear. They immediately ran into the kitchen and unboxed the pizza. I sat down, grabbed my chips, and turned on SpongeBob. Colby sat down next to me on my left.

"So you got the pizza, why aren't you eating any?" He asked.

"Not that hungry." I said, my eyes still on the TV. He took a chip out of the bag and popped it in his mouth. Reggie then sat down next to me on my right.

"Just so you know, those have been sitting out here for about a month." Reggie said. I made a disgusted face and placed the bag in Reggie's lap. "Just kidding." He said quietly. He started eating the chips. I rolled my eyes at him and he did the same back to me.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Tara yelled at Reggie. "Move Stinky! I want to sit next to my best friend!"

"Gladly." He said scooching over. Tara plopped down next to me. She made herself comfortable and I smiled at her and put my arm around her shoulder.

"No that's mine." Jake said while picking me up and putting me on Colby's lap. Jake sat down where I was sitting.

"Do I have to sit next to Stinky?" Tara asked Jake. "He smells." Cassie sat down next to Reggie and then stood back up.

"Yeah you do babe." Cassie said nodding her head.

"Ugh, I guess I have to go put deodorant on since my own girlfriend won't sit next to me." He stood up and walked upstairs.

"Hi." I said to Colby turning around.

"Hey." He said smiling. He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"COUPLE GOALS!" Kat yelled pointing at us. She took out her phone and took a picture of us. I turned my head from the camera.

"I ship you two so much!" Jake added.

"I ship you and Tara." I replied. Jake did a funny face at me. All the attention was on Colby and I but we didn't care.


After many hours, it was getting late.

"Okay so where is everyone sleeping tonight?" Sam asked over the laughing. It got quiet and Sam was standing up in the middle of the room.

"Well I'm guessing me and Tara will be sleeping at the Traphouse and Devyn at her apartment." Kat responded.

"So Av?" Sam asked turning to me. Everyone looked at me and I sighed. I wanted to spend the night with Tara, but she was going to be with Jake. I was not sure what to do.

"Can we do a slumber party at the Traphouse?" Tara asked. "We will do it downstairs in the living room and we can get snacks!"

"Ew no." Reggie said.

"With everyone?" I asked, ignoring Reggie.

"Yes! That will make it more fun!" She responded.

"Maybe you should ask." I chuckled and and motioned towards the Trap boys.

"Oh right I'm sorry." Tara sighed. "Can we pretty please have a sleepover?" Tara stuck out her bottom lip and did puppy dog eyes.

"Uh.." Sam started. He looked at the Trap boys. They nodded. "Sure."

"Yes!" Tara squealed. "Okay everyone get PJs and meet at the Traphouse at 10:30!"

"You and Ava are both crackasses." Reggie said. Tara stuck her tongue out at him and he did the same back to her.


I got my suit case and left shortly with the Trap boys after that to set up for our "slumber party".

pumpkin // c. brockWhere stories live. Discover now