f o u r t y o n e

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^^^going to have to play a couple times

After a long night and a refreshing shower to get all the icing off of me, me and Colby laid down in bed. Colby's head was in my lap.

"Thank you for such a fun night." I whispered.

"It's no problem, pumpkin. Like Tara said, we needed to make the most out of it."

"Right." I leaned over and kissed Colby.

"You should get sleep so you're not completely tired tomorrow."

"I guess."

"I love you, Ava."

"I love you too, Colbear." Within minutes, we fell asleep.


I woke up an hour later, at 5 AM. I stared up at the ceiling. Why'd it have to end so fast? I had the best time of my life here, and that's no lie. I started playing with Colby's hair. The memories all suddenly started rushing back to me.


"You kicked my nose!"

"Oh my god, Ava!"

"Colbear!" I jumped onto him wrapping my arms and legs around him and koala-hugged him.


"Should we go to bed?"

"No Av. You're crazy."

"At the Traphouse, we party all night." Jake replied while doing the 'raise the roof ' dance move.


"Hey, Colby. So do you like Av or not?"

"Well like, how can you not like her? She's funny, kind, caring, and beautiful. I've been waiting so long to see her and I understand that we've only met in person a few hours ago, but I don't know. I'm rambling."

"Colby's got a crush!"

"Colby's got a crush!"

"Go for her brother!"

"Yeah. All the girls have a thing for you."


"So are you and Colby like a thing?"

"No!" I laughed. "I just met him in person yesterday! Remember?"

"Yeah yeah. You guys are just very close." He put his arm around my shoulder and motioned in the air like he was revealing something. "I can see it now. Cova!" I laughed and he smiled.


"I want a pretzel!" There was a family walking past us and they jumped.

"Shut up!" I laughed.

"I want a pretzel too. Come on." I pulled Jake's arm and we snuck away from the rest. I pulled him onto the escalator and we watched them as we went up.

"Are we gonna prank them?"



pumpkin // c. brockWhere stories live. Discover now