f o u r t y

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We all headed back to the Traphouse to have a mini-party. We had got drinks, balloons, and of course, a cake on the way there.


"Why did we get a cake?" I asked as I stared at it on the counter.

"For this." Cassie shoved my face into it. I spit some out of my mouth before picking it up with one hand, and throwing it at her. It hit the back of her head and she fell. Reggie got a piece and threw it at me. I grabbed the same chunk and smeared it all over Reggie's face.

"Ava Smith." He said between gritted teeth. He wiped the cake off his eyes so he could see. Reggie stomped towards me.

"Colby!" I squealed. I ran behind him. Colby chuckled. Reggie ran towards Colby and threw a piece at his cheek. He laughed and wiped the icing off. Sam got a piece and chucked it at Colby. By now, everyone was involved in the food fight.


"Do you want a hug?" I asked Colby, holding my arms out, still covered in icing.

"Anything for my baby." I smiled and gave him a hug. I looked over Colby's shoulder and noticed the balloons.

"I'll be right back bubs." I got three balloons and ran to the bathroom. I blew two of them up, and filled one with water. I ran back into the kitchen. "Who wants to play a game?"

"Me!" Everyone yelled.

"I choose Reggie." Reggie did a little dance before walking in front of me. I rummaged through the drawer and found a pair of scissors. I slid them across the counter, over to Reggie."You're going to try to pop these three balloons." I held up the balloons. "Sound easy enough?"

"Yeah." He scoffed.

"Okay." I threw one up and he popped it. Cassie cheered. I threw the next one up and he missed it, but popped it before it landed on the ground. I laughed. I threw the last one up and he looked so confident. But when he popped it, he was drenched by the water.

"How dare you?" I smiled brightly and ran out of the room. I could hear Reggie running behind me. I was laughing hysterically. I ran into the backyard and around the house. Colby came into my view. He was blocking me and I ran right into him. He picked me up and turned me around. I didn't see Reggie anywhere. Suddenly, he came running around the corner with a bucket of water.

"Get her!" Colby laughed. I squirmed and tried to leave his grip. But it was too late. Reggie threw the water at me and I was now drenched as well. Colby had used me as a shield. Colby dropped me and I playfully pushed him. I then shook my hands so the water on them would repel everywhere. He laughed and threw me over his shoulder. I didn't even try to fight back.

"This is getting old." I groaned.

"But it's funny." He said.

"Very." I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Wait, where are we going?" I noticed that we weren't heading towards the door. "Colby!" I was then flung through the air and landed in the pool. Colby laughed and I pulled myself out.

pumpkin // c. brockWhere stories live. Discover now