t w e n t y o n e - d a y o n e

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"Wake up!" Someone yelled in my ear. I fell off the bed and saw Colby laughing. I rolled my eyes at him. "Come on! Don't tell me that was not funny." I gave him a look. "Okay, okay."

"What time is it anyways?" I asked. I got up and rubbed my eyes. Colby squinted his eyes at the time and gasped.

"2 PM?" He asked.

"What?!" I yelled. I looked at the clock sitting on the nightstand. "We have to go!" I unzipped my suitcase and got an outfit out. "It starts at 3!" Colby immediately ran to his suitcase and got clothes. I rushed in the bathroom and got dressed and and quickly did some makeup. When I came out, Colby was trying to jump into his jeans. "Come on!" He groaned and pulled up his jeans. We took our phones and ran out the hotel room door. Sam and Kat's room were next to ours. I banged on the door. No answer. Tara and Jake's door was next to ours. I banged their door and they came rushing out.

"We need to go!" Colby said.

"I know!" Tara yelled. "All the others left already!" We ran down the hall way and made a sharp turn to the elevator. I repeatedly pressed the button until the doors opened and we ran in. Jake pressed the lobby button and the doors closed. We waited impatiently as the elevator went down. As soon as the doors opened again, we ran out and down another hall. By the hotel entrance, we saw everybody waiting. We ran to them.

"Where have you been?" Kevin asked.

"We slept too late." I panted.

"Mhm, now lets go!"


"Welcome everyone to day one of the Stranger Friends Tour!" The management announced. I heard the crowd cheer very loudly. The crowd was bigger than I thought. All of us were standing backstage, waiting to be called out. "The 12 of these guys and girls have worked very hard to make this possible! So, let's present the founder of Stranger Friends, Kevin Langue!" The crowd went wild. Kevin waved to us as he walked on stage.

"I would like to thank you all so so much for coming. We did indeed work very hard on this, to get around the country, get all members of Stranger Friends to be available, and Stranger Friends merch which you could've purchased before the show and after." Kevin whispered the last part into the microphone. The crowd went wild again. "Okay, well enough of me. Let's get everyone on stage. Let's welcome Sam Golbach!" People started cheering as he walked on stage. "Now Colby Brock!" Colby waved at us as he walked out on stage.

"I love you Colby!" A fan screamed.

"I love you too!" He yelled.

"Now Corey Scherer!" Kevin announced. Corey walked out on stage. "Jake Webber!" Jake walked out. "Now the Krac House! Reggie Webber!" Reggie walked out. "Aryia Emrani!" Kevin announced. Aryia walked out. "And Cassie Martin!" Cassie walked out. "Now the rest of the girls! Katrina Stuart." Kat walked out onto stage. "Tarayummy!" Tara walked out. "Devyn Lundy!" Devyn walked out leaving me by myself. "And special guest, Ava Smith!" I took a deep breath as I heard the crowd's applause and cheering increased once Kevin said my name. I walked out onto stage and I saw fans jumping up and down and some crying of happiness. I waved at the audience and stood next to Devyn. Kevin gave Sam and Colby, Jake and Corey, Reggie and Aryia, Cassie and Kat, Tara, Devyn, and I a microphone to share. "First, we will do a Q+A, then a meet & greet, and lastly, t-shirt signing! We will call on someone and they have to ask a question for one of us. So who first?" Everyone screamed and yelled but Kevin got close up to the audience and picked a girl a few rows back.

"My question is for Colby. When will Colby get a girlfriend?" She asked.

"Hmm Ava." Tara said. Everyone on stage looked at me. "Why don't you answer that?" I looked over to Colby who was blushing.

"I don't know." Colby answered before someone said anything else.

"Next question, girl back there." Kevin pointed towards the back.

"My question is for Devyn and can you upload another makeup tutorial?" The girl yelled.

"Yeah! Of course!" Devyn exclaimed.

"Next question."

"My question is for Ava. When will you make a YouTube channel?"

"Uh, I don't know if I want to make one." I said into the microphone. The audience groaned.

"C'mon Av!" Cassie whined.

"Maybe." I said. "That's my answer."


Fans screamed as we all walked out in front of a large sheet to take pictures. The first girl in line ran up to us.

"Hi!" She exclaimed.

"Hey! What's your name?" Kat asked.

"I'm Jess!" She said. "Can we take a picture all together?"

"Of course!" Kat exclaimed. We posed for the camera in front of us and called the next fan.


The fan girls were either squealing, crying, or both. We had come across a couple boys. They were really nice. After the meet & greet, we signed t-shirts and gave them out. We went to the hotel, collected our things, and were off to the next airport. The flight would only take about 40 minutes this time.


"I'm so tired." I groaned.

"Me too." Jake agreed. This time, Jake was my flight buddy. I put my pillow behind my head and fell asleep within minutes.


"Wake up Avocado." Jake whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and everyone was exiting the plane. I took my stuff and followed everyone out.


I looked at my phone and the time read 9:04 PM.

"Can you go a little faster?" I asked our Uber driver. Tara gave me a look and slapped my arm.

"Yes Ms." He answered. I shrugged at Tara and she rolled my eyes.


I finished getting my pajamas on and laid down in the bed.

"Goodnight Colbear." I whispered.

"Goodnight Av." He whispered back and kissed me on the cheek.

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