f i f t e e n

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My eyes shot open when I felt a cold hand on my shoulder but I didn't move.

"Food's here sleepy head." Bryce said. Griffin was sleeping too.

"Griffin." I whispered. "The food is here." I shook his shoulder and he opened his eyes.

"Oh hello." He chuckled.

"Hey." I responded. I ruffled his hair and stood up. I stretched and smelled the food in the air. I walked over to the door and helped the boys with the food. I handed Bryce $15.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm paying for my food." I replied.

"No it's fine." He said.

"Take it." I insisted. He shook his head and gave the money back to me. "Thanks, I didn't really want to give you money anyways." He chuckled and rolled his eyes.


As I ate my food, Jake FaceTimed me.

"They won't let me leave." I joked.

"Oh no. Do I have to come save you?" He asked.

"Maybe." I answered.

"Who's that?" I heard Colby ask.

"Avocado." Jake answered. Colby came into frame.

"Hey Avocado." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"Is that seriously my new nickname?" I asked.

"Only if you want it to be." Colby said.

"I don't.." I replied.

"Then your new nickname is Avocado." Colby laughed. I shook my head.

"Who's that?" Anthony asked.

"Your mom." I responded.

"No, it's Gary." Jake added. Anthony took my phone. He made a funny face at the phone.

"Ew." I heard Tara say and I laughed. Bryce took the phone from Anthony and sat down next to me. All the guys gathered around us. He set up the phone on my cup.

"Hey Colby, long time no see." Bryce said. Colby's face dropped.

"Hey." Colby sighed. There was an awkward silence.

"Uh so, hey Bryce, how's it been?" Tara asked.

"Oh, hi Tara! It's been pretty good! What about you." He asked. By now, Jake, Colby, Tara, Corey, and Sam were hovering over the phone.

"Also pretty good." Tara answered.

"So this is your boyfriend?" Quinton asked pointing to Jake. I shook my head.

"No he's just a friend. He's Tara's boyfriend." I replied.

"Then who is your boyfriend?" Quinton repeated. Colby pursed his lips and took a deep breath.

"Oh I'm single. Very single." I responded. I rested my head on my hand.

"Not when you and Colby start dating." Tara laughed. I tensed up and I felt all eyes on me. Colby covered his face with his hands.

"We're not going to date." I groaned.

"So you do have a boyfriend." Kio said.

"No." I groaned. "We don't like each other, we're just friends." Bryce immediately spit his water out, laughing but then covered his mouth. I reached under the table and pinched his arm. He cringed. I looked back at Colby who looked like he saw a ghost. Great, Bryce just made it really obvious that I did like Colby. Shit.

third person pov

"Jake, put it on mute and turn the camera off." Colby said quietly. Jake did as Colby said. "Wait what?" Colby asked himself. "She likes me?" Colby looked at Jake.

"She likes me!" Colby cheered. He was smiling so bright that it was as if he was never happier. Tara sighed and shook her head. The plan was going to be ruined. Maybe. There was still a way but she was not going to let Colby down right now. Colby opened his mouth to say something.

"Don't ask her out right now." Corey cut him off. "We know what your thinking but not now or soon. Just see what happens brother."

"Just kiss her." Jake suggested.

"No Jake." Tara groaned. "Give it some time."

a/n: i was in the middle of writing this chapter when i found out that jaden and bryce were sent to jail. this chapter is going to come out about 2-3 weeks after this happened but if you don't know what happened, jaden, bryce, blake gray, josh, and kio were on a road trip. they made a pit-stop in texas and bryce, blake, and i didn't see the third guys face but they went to the bathroom in a restaurant across the street. when they came back, the police were there. i'm guessing they smelled weed and came over to the car to find they had possession of it. they were then arrested. bryce took the blame for josh who could've been deported if he got arrested and went with jaden to jail. okay that was long but it's what happened. back to the storyyy

Colby groaned.

ava's pov

I put myself on mute.

"Ava has a crush, Ava has a crush!" The guys all teased.

"What the fuck Bryce?" I asked. "What the actual fuck?"

"It's fine, it's fine." Bryce said.

"I mean you did kinda did blow her cover on this one." Blake admitted.

"See! Common sense." I said. "It's not just 'fine'."

"Well at least you guys will start dating." He suggested.

"You dummy. I live in Maryland." I groaned.

"Move to California." He shrugged.

"It's not that easy." I said. I took the phone and walked to the couches. "Jake, Colby."

"Yeah?" Jake asked. He turned on the camera and microphone.

"Can I talk to Colby?" I asked.

"Sure." He handed the phone to Colby.

"So look, I think you got the wrong message. Anthony told him something funny and he spit out his water. I don't like you and I know you don't like me." I lied. He nodded.

"I uh- I have to go." He said before hanging up. I groaned. I just destroyed him.

a/n: on the thursday chapter, it's gonna get real dramatic and shit. you have no idea what's coming. p.s. it includes colby 🥴 ——— also i found the jail thing out like a week ago. i haven't wrote bc of school work but school ends on tuesday so thank god oml

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