Que Panic Attack

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*Photo of Jace*

All I could do was stand there, staring at her. I'm sure my eyes were about to pop out of my head from how wide they were. Honestly, I couldn't move, I was paralyzed from the fact that she was standing in front of me.


"Wait...what do you mean you're leaving?" The words came out of my mouth slowly, my entire being starting to feel like the world was falling apart on me. Lilly had just told me the worst news I have received in all of my 14 years of existence. 

"My father told me a few days ago...his job is transferring him to a different town and we leave in a few weeks..." Her words cut through me like a knife. I never thought I would run out of time with her. I stood there, tearing forming in my eyes as I clenched my fists. "Why can't you stay? You can live with me...I'm sure my mom would be okay with it!" I was trying to find anything that would get her to stay, but she just shook her head and brushed the tears away from her eyes. 

"You know I can't... I'm so sorry, Caleb..." 

*End Flash Back*

The sound of Jace's voice drew me out of my frozen state as he started to introduce us all.

"Nice to meet you, Lily! I'm Jace. Those two over there are Adam and Zach, our resident twins. This guy over here is Kole, and last but not least..." before he could say who I was I found myself grabbing the strap on Jace's back pack and blurting out in my now much deeper voice then I had when she left, "We are going to be late for class!" And like they had a mind of their own, my feet started to move quickly down the hall as I dragged Jace along with me.

As soon as I felt we were far enough away, I let go of Jace and just started to pace in the middle of the hall. "Okay, dude...what was that?" I heard Jace ask as he crossed his arms and leaned against the lockers. I looked at him and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. "Use your brain, man. You were there almost four years ago when  I went through the worst part of my life. I know you remember her name." I leaned back against the lockers as I tried to calm myself. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I felt lightheaded, like I could tip over at any second. I watched as Jace thought for a minute, and then I could literally see the light come on in his head.

"Holy shit! That's Lily!? The Lily from freshman year?" He exclaimed, and all I could do was nod in reply before closing my eyes. "Took you long enough." I grumbled out. Jace walked over and grabbed my shoulders, making me look at him. "Dude, you just got a second chance to tell her how you feel." I furrowed my brows and gave him my signature, are you fucking kidding me, look. "Yeah Jace that's a great idea let me just go walk right up to the girl who stopped talking to me over three years ago and profess my undying love for her in front of the whole school. That will totally end well." I said sarcastically and shook my head.

Jace stepped back and crossed his arms. "So what is your plan then smart ass? Ignore her?" He raised a brow at me and waited for my answer. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, knowing that I had no clue how to handle this situation. "Dude I don't know but going with your plan is not happening." I told him as I dropped my hands to my side. "Well you need to figure it out man because like it or not she is back and you can't avoid her forever." I groaned at his words and started walking again, glad that my class wasn't to far from where we were. "I know that but I can at least try."

Jace laughed at me and shook his head. "Just go to class and calm down, try to forget about it for now." He told me before walking off to his class. Once I was in my seat I pulled out my book, a note book and my pencil before looking out the window and letting myself zone out. I was aware that kids were filing in as I heard them laughing at talking about their summers. My mind slowly wandered to Lilly, the way she looked, how beautiful she was. My eyes may have been locked onto hers but I can see everything about her in my mind. Her long dark brown hair, her slightly tanned skin, the white dress she was wearing that stopped mid thigh, her blue Van's, her long legs, only one word came to mind as I thought of her, perfection.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the teacher had walked in and was talking to the class. What pulled me out of my day dreams was the presence of someone sitting next to me, the sweet perfume that filled my nostrils and the soft, beautiful voice that said only one thing to me.


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