Helping Things Along

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Jace's P.O.V.

Honestly Caleb can be such a stubborn ass sometimes. I watched him say only a few words to Lilly before walking away. Shaking my head I watched her walk back over to Amy and I, a sad look on her face. I smiled at Amy and kissed her cheek before saying, "I'll meet you in the lunch room, babe." She just nodded at me with a smile before I ran off after Caleb. "Be careful brother, she might start to think you like her." I teased.

I sighed as we reached the locker room. His silence about this was becoming annoying, how was I supposed to help him when he wouldn't talk about it? Changing back into my school clothes I could hear the showers start and decided to go with plan B.

While Caleb was still in the shower I booked it to the lunch room, grabbed my lunch and waited for Amy, knowing that Lilly would be tagging along. In the mean time I just sat there and ate my food, thinking about how to be subtle with Lilly.

Being so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't notice them walk into the lunch room. As they sat down Amy kissed my cheek, earning a big stupid grin from me. "You two are too damn cute." I heard Lilly say with a giggle. Shaking my head I just laughed a little and looked over at her. "So what did mister stubborn ass say to you at the field?" I asked with a sly grin on my lips. Her expression completely changed from happy to curious at my words.

"He told me to be careful about those guys...why do you ask?" She said, her eyes searching for something in mine, like she knew that I was hiding something, or at least hoping I had some secret information that I would be willing to share. "Oh just curious..." I tried to play it off but she was still staring me down. "I agree with Caleb though. Those guys are trouble. Girls to them are just a notch on a bedpost." I felt Amy nudge me under the table, her way of telling me to drop it.

She knows me to well though and knows that I wouldn't. "Aside from that, what else has mister quiet said to you today?" I asked in an amused tone. Lilly just shrugged and said, "Not a lot...I asked him if we could talk today but he seemed like he didn't really want to." She looked sad and I felt bad for her. I was about to say more until Caleb walked up, clearly seeing her sadness before she tried to hide it.

Caleb's P.O.V.

After I showered I quickly got dressed and made my way to the lunch room. Jace, Amy and Lilly were already sitting down, so as I got my lunch I watched them out of the corner of my eye. Jace was talking to Lilly and I could see the curiosity in her eyes, but her expression turned sad after a few exchanges, thats when I decided to step in.

"hvað sagðir þú við hana, Jace?" I said to him in the language we both learned shortly after becoming friends. It is Icelandic and translates to what did you say to her, Jace?

"Ekkert slæmt. Spurði bara hvað þú sagðir við hana. Ég var líka sammála um að hún ætti að vera í burtu frá þessum strákum." He told me, which translates to, "Nothing bad. I just asked what you said to her. I also agreed that she should stay away from those guys."

"Sorp. Ég sá hversu sorgmædd hún var. Af hverju er hún dapur?" I snapped at him. I told him I could see how sad she was and asked why. He just chuckled and replied, "Varfærinn bróðir, verndandi hlið þín birtist. Hún gæti farið að halda að þér líki betur við hana en vinkonu, sem þú gerir alveg." Translation, "Careful brother, she might start to think you like her more than a friend. Which you absolutely do." I growled and glared at him, knowing he was right.

I shifted my eyes to Lilly, who looked completely confused. "They do this when they want to have a private conversation in public. It's a language they learned a few years ago, but neither will tell me which one." Amy told her with an amused smile. Lilly just looked at me with prying eyes, like she was trying to figure me out.

Looking away from her I sat next to Jace, wanting to eat my lunch before next period. "Þú ættir að tala við hana, heyra í henni. Ekki pynta þig." Jace was telling me to talk to her, hear her out and not torture myself. I just shook my head and ate my food.

A/N:  Let me know what you guys think! More to come very soon!

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