The Game

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The game starts in just thirty minutes and their entire team was standing in the locker room after warm ups, just waiting. I was leaning against my locker, thinking about Lilly though I knew I should be thinking about the game. Jace walked up to me with a smirk on his face, knowing that he had succeeded in his plot to get me to talk to her. "So, I hear your talk with Lilly went well." he said in an amused tone. Looking up at him I narrowed my eyes and said, "You're an ass dude, but I guess I should thank you." He just laughed and shook his head. "At least you can stop moping about now. Seriously dude being around you was depressing." he said and nudged me a little. 

The coach walked in and got every ones attention by clapping loudly. He started spouting out something about going out there, crushing the other team, gaining a victory for our school and some other motivational crap. The only thing I could think about right now was her. Her eyes, her lips as she smiled, the way her hair perfectly framed her face when it was down, her melodic laugh, literally everything about her drew me in. Jace nudged me again, trying to get my attention. "What?" I whispered as the coach kept rambling on. "You're distracted need to get your head right because I am not getting knocked on my ass tonight." he whispered back and looked at me out of the corner of his eye. I nodded and we both walked forward along with Max, the other captain when the coach called us forward. 

All three of us stood there as the coach left. It was our job to lead the team out onto the field. "Okay guys! You heard the coach. We need a victory tonight but if that doesn't happen for us then it doesn't. We play better when we aren't under pressure so we don't want any of you to feel that. Forget what the coach said. We are a team so lets play like one!" Jace yelled out to the guys earning a rallying yell from everyone in the room. "Let's go show them what we are made of!" he yelled and all three of us starting running out of the room while putting our helmets on, the rest of the team on our heels. 


The game was coming to an end, there was only a minute and a half left and we were tied. The entire team was tired, but we knew we had to pull off a great play to win us the game without going into overtime. I had managed to keep Jace from getting tackled all game, which I'm sure he appreciates. The team huddled up trying to figure out how we can win this in a very short amount of time. We have the ball but are to far away for a field goal. Jace came up with the idea to throw it long and hope for the best. Everyone got on the line of scrimmage and got into position. "You know that cheerleader over there is pretty cute...might ask her out once we win." The guy in front of me said and nodded his head in the direction of the cheerleaders. I followed his eyes to see which one he was talking about, until I figured out he was talking about Lilly who had been looking at me pretty much the entire game. A growl ripped through my throat and I shifted my gaze back to him, murder clear in my eyes. The boy just laughed and we waited for Jace to start the play. As soon as the ball was snapped I jolted forward and knocked the guy straight onto his back, "Over my dead body." I growled and looked back at Jace who had defensive linemen running towards him. The other guys must have failed to stop them. Quickly getting up from the ground I sprinted towards the other teams guys as they reached Jace and forced a fumble. The ball went flying. 

Reacting quickly I jumped into the air and caught the ball quickly. Before I really knew what was happening I had plowed through the line of players and was sprinting down the field, a few of my team mates following me to keep the other team off. The crowd and my coach were screaming, telling me to not stop I'm sure but I couldn't hear them, all I could head was my heart pounding and my feet hitting the ground. My ears tuned in on someone fast approaching me. I was only 20 yards away when I felt a hand on me, trying to push me over. Reacting quickly I spun out of his hold, causing him to fall over before closing the distance and bolting into the end zone. The clock hit zero and the whistle blew, signaling the end of the game and the final touchdown. My team was on top of me in seconds, screaming in joy and victory, though the game wasn't quite over, we still had the right to kick a field goal. 

My eyes wandered over to Lilly as my team mates victory danced off the field and the defensive line made their way on. I was walking slowly, everything still sinking in with each step I took. I knew she was chanting my name along with the rest of the crowd with a big smile on her face. Once I got to the side line the play commenced and the guy that was to kick the ball took a knee instead, and with that the game was won. Everyone rushed onto the field to celebrate but I stayed back, soaking in the feeling of winning our first game. The cheerleaders ran onto the field to celebrate with the team, but Lilly wasn't with them. Narrowing my eyes I started to look around, searching frantically for her in fear that the guy from the other team was trying to make a move on her. After a few seconds of searching I was about to rush onto the field to look for her but end up nearly jumping out of my skin when I felt someone pulling me back. 

A/N: Sorry for the long chapter guys! I wanted to be descriptive in this one and may have gotten carried away. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks for reading!

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