Screw You Universe

15 1 2

*Photo of Lilly*


The sound of her voice sent involuntary shivers down my spine that I had to try to hide. I slowly shifted my line of sight over to her as my fist tightened on the desk. Every muscle in my body was tense as we looked at each other.

She had a small smile on her lips and her eyes were soft as she looked at me. All I could do was tighten my jaw and try to keep my heart rate down. Our desks were more like long tables with two to a table so when I say she was right next to me, I mean she was literally inches away.

All I can seem to do is make some sort of huffing grunting noise at her before I have to force myself to look away, paying absent minded attention to the teacher as he started going over the syllabus that he had passed out. I'm sure my face had turned red due to the slew of emotions I was feeling at the moment because I could feel the heat in my face. Fear, desire, love, anger, just to name a few.

I could feel her eyes on me as the teacher talked, making my face feel even hotter mostly out of self consciousness. Moving my eyes slightly to look at her out of the corner of my eye I saw her writing something down on a piece of paper before sliding it in my direction. I raised a brow and looked down at it, ' have you been?' Was the only thing written on it. Honestly, I seriously contemplated ignoring it, though when I looked at her out of the corner of my eye once more I saw that she was biting her lower lip with a nervous look on her face. I knew at that moment that if she did that often I was going to have a hard time containing my feelings for her, it made my will power plummet.

Shivers ran down my spine at the sight of her bottom lip between her teeth, the things I wanted to do to her drove me crazy. I sighed in defeat and picked up my pen. I quickly wrote down, 'Fine.' and slid the paper back to her. I could sense her shifting in her seat as she looked at the paper. Hearing her write something down and slide the paper back made me tense up again. My eyes shifted down to the paper to see her writing on it. 'Caleb can we talk? Maybe at lunch?' I raised a brow at her words and turned my pen between my fingers slowly as I contemplated what to say next.

'Aren't we technically talking right now?' I wrote down, trying to hold in my smirk. After I slid the paper back over I could physically feel her roll her eyes, making me rather proud of myself. I could see her writing in my perifrials and soon the paper was returned to me. 'Please don't be a smart ass Caleb. I really do want to talk to's important.' My heart started to race at what she wrote but I knew that I couldn't handle actually talking to her yet. It had been so long and I knew I would put my foot in my mouth one way or another.

All I could do was stare at the paper. I didn't know what to say to her, my feelings were so conflicted at this point it was agonizing. 'Maybe.' It was all I had in me to say, I didn't want to give into her, to make it easy. The situation was complicated for me and I didn't know what to do. I heard her sigh and put the paper in her note book.

Glancing over at her I watched her rest her chin on her hand and bite her lip again, a thoughtful look on her face. I clenched my fist, having to fight the urge to pull her lip out from between her teeth and kiss her. I had to force myself to look away and honestly I hated that she could make me want her so badly with just a simple action but a big part of me loved it at the same time.

I clenched my jaw as I stared out of the window. The next two periods I had free and at this point I was glad because I could clear my head. Jace took those hours off with me, we are both ahead for graduation but decided to stick around to play sports together for one final year.

When the bell finally rang I grabbed my stuff as quick as possible and bolted out of the classroom. I just wanted to get out of there and away from Lilly, she turned my brain to mush in the best possible way.

*A/N: It took a bit but I finally got this chapter done! Thanks so much for reading! Let me know if you guys have any suggestions!*

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