Free Period

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*Photo of Amy*

Jace and I met up in the locker room. We had both changed into shorts and tank tops before heading out to the field for some catch, just like we had agreed upon before school started. Just as we arrived we could hear lots of laughter and chatting. I looked around and froze when I saw the entire cheer squad on the other side of the field, to include Lilly.

Jace watched me for a minute, being frozen, before he rolled his eyes and grabbed my shoulders from behind me and pushed me towards the field. "You can't avoid her forever, Caleb." I groaned at his words and said, "I can sure as hell try, Jace."

I grabbed the football off the side line as Jace jogged down the field, making me stand in the direction of the cheerleaders. Shaking my head I threw the ball at him, in which he caught it. We tossed the ball back and forth for a while, though I could see the squad behind him and they were starting to stare. Jace turned to see what I was looking at and I could feel his stupid grin from here.

I watched him wave at the girls to which most giggled, earning a nasty glare from Amy. Rolling my eyes I walked over to him and cupped him upside the head. "Don't antagonize your girlfriend you idiot." I said to him to which he only laughed at. He formed a heart with his hands towards his girlfriend, she flipped him off and I laughed. "Looks like you're in the dog house there buddy." I told him with a smile. "Looks like Lilly has been staring at you this entire time." He mocked and shoved me. I frowned at him and told him to shut up before turning around.

We stood there and talked for a while as we stretched, getting ready to run laps. Just as we were about to start we heard cat calls in the distance. Both of us looked over and saw a few guys walking towards the cheerleaders. I instantly raised a brow and started walking over with Jace to cut them off. "I suggest you boys turn around, you know the rules no disrupting any team practices." I said in my naturally deep tone.

The guys all scoffed and one stepped in front of me. "What's the harm in chatting them up? We just want to meet the new girl." Anger raged through me at his words, and there was no way I was letting them near her. "Not happening." I growled out and clenched my fists. I knew these guys all to well and they were known for playing around with pretty much every girl in the school. "Now you and your friends get out of here. They are busy and you have no business here." I stood my ground as we glared at each other.

Just as he was about to make a move to get me out of their way Amy walked over, of course with Lilly right on her heels. "Boys you know the rules. Out with you." She said with authority in her voice. She was team captain so usually what she says goes. They all groaned and turned to leave, though one turn around and looked directly at Lilly, "See you later, beautiful." He said with a wink. I stepped in front of her and crossed my arms. "Not likely man whore." I snarled out, anger written clear on my face. The boy just laughed and walked away.

After a minute of standing there I felt a hand on my arm, knowing instantly who's it was. Jace and Amy had walked off so it was just me and her standing there. "Caleb..." I heard her say softly. Slowly turning my head to meet her gaze I simply let out a breath to calm myself and said, "Make sure to stay away from those guys. They are users and are only interested in one thing. careful." My voice was soft yet firm when I spoke to her, and all she could do was look at me, yet I couldn't tell what she was thinking or feeling. All I knew was that her touch made my body feel like electricity was going through it.

I moved away from her touch and uncrossed my arms. "I should go." Was all I could say before turning and walking back towards the locker room, Jace soon following after me after he kissed his girlfriend. "Be careful brother, she might start to get the idea that you like her." He teased with a smirk.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading! More to come so stay tuned!

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