Back to Normal?

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About a month had passed since the night of the party, the one that still plays in my mind on a daily basis, and I've kicked myself in the ass more than once for not just coming clean. Let's be fair, I'm a wuss and still haven't. Lily and I have spent a lot of time together since that night. Mostly just doing homework or watching TV in the living room of my house or hers.

Being around each others families again has been great, not awkward at all. Honestly, it was like they never left, well once they got over the shock of seeing how much I had changed. My parents had a similar reaction when they saw Lily for the first time again. Though my mom gushed over how much she had grown a lot more than her mom did with me.

Still, at the end of the night, one of us would go home, and I would be left kicking myself even more for not telling her or making a move. The way she looks at me, the glint in her eyes, it feels as if she wants me to, but at the same time, I could just be seeing things. Like some kind of projection of my feelings for her. My subconscious mind playing tricks on me to see what I want to see instead of what's actually there. And there I go, reading far too much into it again.

Now another Friday has rolled around and the four of us, Lily, Jace, Amy and I, are seated at our usual lunch table and Jace is going on and on about the homecoming game the next week. Quietly eating my fries, I raise a brow at him, "Seriously, dude! We are going to crush those baby bees!" He exclaimed between bites of food. "Their team is called the Yellow Jackets..." I dead pan, shaking my head at him. Lily giggled next to me, making it hard not to smile.

"Sure it's not Mellow Jackets? Cause they don't have the fire we do!" Jace chirped, smiling wide. Amy rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, well actually we all did. "Would you shut it and eat your food?" I chuckled out, raising a brow as Lily took a few fries from my tray. "Thought you said you didn't want fries?" I questioned in an amused tone, smiling lightly over at her. "I didn't then, I do now." She quipped with a slight shrug of her shoulders and a sly smile on her lips.

"Uh-huh. Sure." I teased back and nudged her a little with my shoulder. "Flirting much?" Amy chimed in, giving us an amused smirk. My face lit up as my eyes shot to her, giving her a warning look. "Nope." Lily quipped, smirking slightly to herself as she took another fry. I have to admit my heart sank a little, but I would have given the same answer. "Suuure..." Amy responded with a playful roll of her eyes. "Anyway. We need to talk about the homecoming dance. You boys got your outfits picked out yet? Because we have our dresses."

I froze in the middle of taking a drink of my juice, looking at Amy with confused eyes. "What?" I questioned, then looked between the two girls. "We are going as a group silly. Did Lily not tell you?" Amy questioned in a sweet tone. I looked down at Lily, whose face was turning a deep red color. "No... I hadn't told him yet..." she said quietly, moving the food on her tray around with her fork. "My dress is dark purple... if you wanted to match." She said quietly, refusing to make eye contact with me.

To be honest I wasn't sure if I was being asked to the dance or more so being told that I was Lily's date, either way my heart rate increased and I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face. "Yeah... I'm pretty sure I'll have something that will match. Just send me a picture of the color, and I'll look through my closet." I said softly to her, earning a big grin from her. She looked almost relieved, like she was afraid I was going to say no.

While dances aren't exactly my thing, I wasn't going to pass up the chance to see her all dressed up. "Perfect! So you will pick her up and we will meet at the school." Amy chirped with a shit eating grin on her face. I knew what she was doing, trying to make it an actual date for Lily and I. While I would love it to be, Lily only sees me as her best friend, at least she hasn't stated different to me.

"The game is at two, correct? And the dance is after that... around eight if I remember correctly. So you can pick me up around quarter to eight... unless you want to go to dinner first." Lily said quietly as Jace and Amy got up from the table to head to their next class. Raising a brow, I looked down at Lily, almost positive that she was trying to make this an actual date. "Dinner? Yeah, that would probably be good. I'm sure I'll be hungry after the game." I said as nonchalant as possible, trying not to read too much into it.

"Perfect! So pick me up at around six thirty then! I'll see you in last period!" She chirped, seeming rather happy about our...well, I'm not too sure what exactly it was. I should probably figure that out before next Friday...shit.

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