Unspoken Echos

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The ride to the diner was much more relaxed than I expected it to be. I thought I would be a nervous wreck, but the light conversation was actually really relaxing. We talked about school, her latest TV obsession, and the cheer competition coming up. Not to mention the away game the following weekend. The team had already made state playoffs, so this game was not to big of a deal. Once we got to the diner and got seated, a sort of silence washed over us as we looked over the menu and que the nerves coming back.

"You know, my parents really love having you around again, Caleb." Lily stated softly as her eyes scanned the menu in front of her. Looking up at her, I smiled slightly and tilted my head, "It's nice to be around them. They've always been so welcoming to me." I nearly whispered and looked back down at the menu. "It's a little odd... your parents haven't been around at all this year." Her voice was hesitant, like she was tiptoeing around something. Though, I knew exactly the question she wanted to ask, but didn't want to upset me likely. "No... they haven't been around much since about halfway through freshman year. They started expanding the business, so they are constantly away. While they do send money and have my aunt check in on me, they are only actually home like... two weeks out of the year." I stated with a shrug, not daring to look at her since I didn't want to see any pity from her. "Caleb..." I heard her say quietly.

"It's fine. I get the whole house to myself, and I have Jace to keep me company. I'm cool with it." I said quickly, wanting to just drop the subject. With her not responding immediately, I would assume she got the hint. The conversation quickly shifted back to light small talk after we gave the waitress our orders, once she finally came over. After we ate and I paid we took off for the school, being that the homecoming dance is always held in the gym. As we pulled into the parking lot I saw Jace and Amy waiting by his car, rather making out by his car. Letting out a breath I shook my head and looked over at Lily. "Those two are ridiculous." I chuckled out and scratched the back of my head. "Oh, leave them be. They are in love." Lily retorted with a light smile.

Chuckling lightly I leaned over closer to her and whispered, "Five bucks you'll only get two minutes of dancing before Jace steals her away." Lily snorted out a laugh and smiled over at me. "If I let him!" She joked then raised a brow at me. "Besides, who's to say I won't have you on a short leash all night?" Her voice was teasing, almost... seductive? Raising a brow back at her I shook my head and got out of the car.

Well...as the night went on it seemed evident that the short leash comment was more fact than a tease. Unless one of us was going to the bathroom or I was getting us drinks, she didn't let me stray far from her. We danced similar to the way we had that night at Jace's house, her body pressed so close to mine that not a spot of light could shine between us. All in all, the night was going perfectly. Even better, those jack holes from the hockey team were leaving us alone.

I had lost myself in the feel of her against me, my nerves completely gone in the moment. The sound of Amy's voice snapped me out of my trance like state. "I'm stealing her for a minute!" She shouted over the music before dragging Lily off to the bathrooms. Chuckling lightly I shook my head and was about to leave the dance floor until Jace and most of the team grabbed hold of me. They started chanting something about state, but it was hard to make out over the music and their sloppy speech. Shaking my head I just laughed and jumped along with them.

"When you gonna tell her?!" Jace shouted over the music, a stupid smile plastered on his face. "Soon." I chuckled out before looking around to see if I could spot her. Looking towards the bathrooms, I saw Lily and Amy walking out, a nervous breath escaping me at the sight of her. Forcing my feet to move I made my way through the crowd, unease washing over me the closer I got to them. Though, when I got about halfway to her, I could see a worried look in her eye, like something was wrong. Narrowing my eyes, I moved faster, pushing to get to her as quick as possible.

When I got within a few feet, I could see her quickly saying something to Amy, her phone clutched tight in her hand. "Lily!" I called out over the music, getting her attention as I finally made it to her side. "Is everything okay?" I questioned, looking at her with worried eyes. "I'm fine! I just had something come up... family stuff. Can you take me home?" She questioned, though I could tell by the almost fearful look in her eyes that something more was going on. "Ye... yeah. Of course." I stammered out and motioned towards the door with my arm. She wasted no time, fast walking towards the exit.

Glancing at Amy I saw she had a concerned look in her eye, but I didn't have time to ask before I heard Lily calling out to me. Turning I hurriedly walked after her, fishing my keys from my pocket as we made our way out of the building to my car. "Is everything alright?" I asked as we got in and I started up the engine. "I'm sure it's fine! I just need to get home." She stated in a nervous tone, staring out of the window so I couldn't read her expression. Narrowing my eyes I put the car in gear and took off towards her house, heavily contemplating if it was truly a good time to tell her my feelings or not.

As we reached her house I pulled into the driveway and put the car in park. Just as she reached for the door I realized that if I didn't do it now, I likely never would. "Lily..." I managed to get out, reaching over to take her hand that was closest to me. "Yeah?" She questioned in a small voice, barely turning her head in my direction. "Umm... I have something I've been meaning to tell you. And I think if I don't say it...I'll never have the nerve to." I nearly whispered, watching her closely.

"Caleb... I really need to get inside." she whispered, turning her head more in my direction. "I know... I know. Just.... give me five minutes." I nearly pleaded, squeezing her hand lightly. Waiting what seemed like hours she turned toward me more, silently relenting. Letting out a breath I examined her beautiful face that shined in the dim light of the moon.

"Lily, you're my best friend. You always have been. Even before we really knew what best friends were, you were mine." I said softly, not taking my eyes off her for a second while my heart was beating faster and harder. "You leaving... it was the hardest thing I have ever gone through, and not talking to you for those three or so years, it hurt in ways you don't know. But I'm going to explain it to you. Before you left I realized something..." I stated softly, her eyes snapping to mine with a mix of curiosity and what I could swear was sadness.

"I realized that I love you, Lily. More so... I'm in love with you. And it never went away. Even now, you make me feel like I'm on cloud nine when you're around. I love every bit of the person you were, and the person you have become. You are so kind, funny, breathtakingly beautiful, compassionate. You're everything I want simply by being yourself. I just couldn't hold it in any longer, it's not fair to you to not know and I needed you to know." I told her over the sound of my heart hammering in my ears. As I watched her closely I could see the confliction in her eyes, and dread washed over me as I felt I knew what she was about to say.

"Caleb..." she whispered, trying to hide the pain in her voice. "You're my best friend too... but I'm sorry. I don't see you as more than that. I really appreciate you telling me, but we can't be more than just friends... I'm sorry." She stated quietly before quickly getting out of the car and rushed off to what I assumed was into her house.

All I could do is sit there and stare at the seat she had just been occupying, feeling like the biggest idiot in the world. What had I just done? Why did I have to go and ruin everything? There was no way she would look at me the same. Hell, I wouldn't if I were her. Swallowing hard and blinking back the tears I put the car into gear, back out of her driveway with a clenched jaw and started making my way back to my empty house.

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