She's Trying to Kill Me

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Talking with her was exactly as I remembered it, as easy as breathing. The way she looked at me while I spoke, so focused on me like I was talking about the most important thing in the world to her. In reality it was a lot of back and fourth about our favorite things. Simply re-getting to know each other and the love I felt for her then was still there, only much deeper than before.

Her favorite color was still purple, amethyst to be exact. She still preferred dogs over cats, which I was beyond happy about. We talked about the books we had read, how we still both loved to simply sit and watch the sunset, and how exactly we got into our respective sports. Of course, she gave me a fair amount of shit for getting into football, as it was something that she couldn't see me doing at the time she left. She also admitted that she didn't expect me to be so good at it. While I accepted the compliment I also downplayed it, saying it's not hard to knock a guy down. She laughed at that, God's did I miss her laugh.

After about twenty minutes in the hot tub we had moved to the lawn chairs over by the fire pit, and of course I lit a small fire for us to sit by and dry off a bit faster. To say she looked absolutely breath taking next to the soft light of the flames would be an understatement. Her green hazel eyes seemed to glow, as did her sun kissed skin, making it incredibly hard not to stare at her.

"Happy belated birthday, by the way." She said softly as she leaned a little closer to me. Raising a brow at her, a blank look in my eyes, I took maybe a little to long to remember that my birthday had been just a couple weeks prior. "Oh...shit...thank you." I chuckled out, still having to remind myself from time to time that I was in fact eighteen now. "Happy belated to you as well." I said with a light smile, trying hard to not let my eyes wander with how she was sitting in her chair. Her birthday was just a few days before mine, making her eighteen as well. "I'll have to figure out a present for you. Ya know, with all the new information I now have. Maybe something Stray Kids related." I teased with a light chuckle, my eyes drifting over to the fire. Well, rather I forced them in that direction as she stretched in her chair.

She had done that a few times, stretched her arms up and stuck her chest out a little. If I didn't know better I could swear that she was trying to get me to look, and let's be honest, I did once or twice...or every single time. My eyes would wander down her body, taking in every curve and every little flex of her toned muscles. I know she caught me looking, and each time I could feel my face heat up while quickly looking away. I couldn't help it, every single part of her was perfect in my eyes, she had always been perfect in my eyes.

"Don't you tease me." She groaned out as she stretched, making my stomach do flips. Her light groan was beyond sexy, making my mind wander to what she would sound like moaning my name. Quickly pushing the thought away I smiled over at her and raised a brow, of course after she relaxed back into her seat. "I'm not the one simping over Korean dudes." I teased, winking playfully at her. I noticed something flash in her eyes, something I couldn't quite place. It wasn't embarrassment or irritation, rather a look she hadn't given me before. "I'm not simping, I've just listened to every song they've ever released and can pick out who's who simply by their voice...okay maybe I'm simping..but you can't tell me that you don't have a musical obsession!" She stated in a rather defensive tone, though her giggle at the end let me know that she wasn't offended by my teasing.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Guess you'll just have to wait and find out." I chuckled out, relaxing back into the chair and put my hands behind my head while looking back at the fire. With my gaze off of her I didn't notice her moving closer to me, but I quickly realized how close she was when I felt her hand cupping the side of my face, turning my head to look at her. She was inches from me, nearly a breath away and my heart instantly jumped into my throat.

Her eyes were locked on mine, and the way she was looking at me was rather seductive, something I wasn't prepared for. "Caleb..." she breathed out, her eyes almost dancing around my face and I could swear her gaze lingered on my lips for a few moments. "Please tell me, I want to know your secrets." Her voice was so enticing, soft and breathy. Letting out the breath I hadn't realized I was holding I tried to keep my composure, to not react to what she was doing. That was until I felt her finger tips trail over the side of my neck and into the back of my hair. An involuntary groan escaped me, loving the way she was touching me maybe a little to much.

'What the hell is this woman doing to me? Holy shit...' I thought as I leaned a little closer to her, my gaze darting between her eyes and her perfect, full lips. I wanted so badly to close the distance, to feel her kiss and taste her lips. "Caleb." She repeated in an amused tone. "Huh?" I questioned, my mind clouded with the images of everything I wanted to do to her. "Your musical guilty please." She purred out, kicking my brain back into working order.

Narrowing my eyes slightly I leaned back from her, or a least tried but her grip on my hair tightened, keeping me in place. "Lily..." I breathed out, my body going crazy to feel more of her touch, and forcing those feelings back down was getting painful in a way. "Halocene...that's my favorite band." I finally stated, praying that she would back off at least a little but as her fingers adjusted to get a better grip on my hair I knew she was far from done with her questions, like she knew she had me in the palm of her hand in that moment and there was absolutely nothing I was willing to do to change it.

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