Two Can Play At That Game...Right?

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The way she looked at me had me feeling like I was in a trance. Like she could ask me anything and I would willingly answer. Not to mention the way she was switching between gripping my hair and playing with it really wasn't helping my will power in the slightest. "Halocene huh? So you like woman who barely wear any clothes?" She questioned in a teasing tone, a sly smile on her lips. I have to admit, she surely has gotten more bold in the nearly four years we spent away from each other. Can't say I'm opposed to it though.

"'s more so her uh..vocal range.." I murmered, trying to keep my thoughts straight and not completely in the gutter. Though, with the growing issue in my trunks I knew I would have to get away from this situation as quickly as possible before she noticed. "Uh-huh...I'm sure." She teased, moving a little closer still. 'Shit! Do something! Anything! Abort dammit!' I thought frantically, but all I could really bring myself to do was to keep looking between her eyes and lips with a raw kind of desire. "Have a girlfriend I should know about? Or a love interest? Need to make sure my best friend is making good choices." She questioned softly, though there was something in her voice, hesitation almost like she didn't really want to hear my answer.

" girlfriend." I said softly to her, intentionally avoiding the other part of her question. "But you have a love interest?" She persisted, her head tilting slightly to the side. Internally groaning I quickly contemplated my options, either tell her or try to change the subject. I opted out for option three. Quickly getting up, which forced her to release the grip she had on my hair, I picked her up over my shoulder and started carrying her to the pool while hoping she didn't notice the buldge in my trunks. "Caleb what are you doing?!" She shouted with a laugh, kicking her legs slightly to try to get out of my hold. "No more questions." I stated in a playfully stern tone before tossing her into the pool.

Jumping in quickly after her I immediately regretted all of my life choices. Not from the cool water, but from the sever stinging the chlorine caused to the cut on my brow. Pushing myself to the surface I took in a deep breath and rushed to the side of the pool, hanging onto the ledge with my eyes closed tight. "Son of a bitch!" I shouted, shortly followed by the sounds of the water splashing and Lily yelling, "Caleb you ass!" Though her tone was playful so she wasn't to mad. "Caleb? What's wrong?" I heard her rush out. In my current position of clutching the side of the pool with my head hanging while waiting for the intense burning to subside I'm sure it didn't look all that great. "I'm good...just made poor life choices." I attempted to chuckle out.

While I couldn't see her with my eyes squeezed shut I could hear her swim over to me, putting me back in the same position of being rather close to her and having to try to control myself. Feeling her hand on my face I let her pull me in what I could only assume was her direction. As she lightly touched around my brow I let out a breath and slowly brought my hand to her arm. While being careful not to touch anywhere I shouldn't I moved my hand down her body to her waist, telling myself it was so I could get a grasp on just how close she was but in reality I just wanted to feel any part of her that I could.

To answer my own question, she was dangerously close, my arm being at nearly a 90° angle. "The stinging should stop in a minute. And serves you right for throwing me in here like that." She stated in a playful tone before giving me a little shove. Chuckling lightly I opened the eye that didn't have a cut above it, smiling slightly at her. "Well maybe you shouldn't have trapped me in a game of twenty questions." I teased back, not realizing that my thumb was gently caressing the inward curve of her side. "But I do think it's only fair that you answer your own question. Do you have any boyfriends I should know about?" I questioned with a slight tilt of my head.

The look she was giving me let me, again, was one I wasn't used to. And yet again I couldn't exactly place it. "Anyone I have to threaten with bodily injury if they hurt you?" I questioned, a teasing smirk on my lips. As I was finally able to open my other eye I saw her shake her head, making my heart skip a beat. "No. I'm not seeing anyone. I had a boyfriend last year, but he was kind of an idiot and it just didn't feel right." She said softly, her hand retracting from my face. Tightening my grip on her waist I narrowed my eyes slightly, and as if she could read my mind she quickly continued. "We didn't do anything. Didn't even really kiss. I mean he kissed my cheek a few times but nothing happened other than that."

Raising my good brow at her I chuckled lightly, trying to play off how irritated I was at the thought of another man's lips anywhere on her. "Didn't even kiss you? Yeah he sounds like an idiot." I said quietly, not realizing how that sounded until after I came out of my mouth. "Uh...its late...we should probably go to bed..." I stated quietly and shifted myself to get out of the pool. "Yeah looks like Jace and Amy already headed inside." She said quietly as I lifted myself from the water. I hadn't even realized that they had disappeared until now, having been so wrapped up in talking with Lily. "Trust me...their not sleeping yet." I chuckled out as I held out my hand to help Lily out of the pool.

After putting out the fire and grabbing our towels we made our way inside, of course stopping to grab a glass of water each. Making our way upstairs we stopped outside of the door to the room she was staying in. "Well...see you in the morning." I said with a soft smile and gave her a quick hug. Well, it was supposed to be quick, but the second I had my arms around her I was hesitant to let go. "See you in the morning." She whispered into my ear, sending wonderful chills down my spine. Reluctantly leaning away from her I smiled down at her and made my way to my room, trying to process everything that had happened in the last five hours.

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