She Has A What?

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This whole situation is bull shit. I had myself so convinced that maybe she could feel the same way I do, only to have it blow up in my face. Now, all I can do is try to cope with the fact that she will only ever see me as a friend. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm absolutely crushed and feel like I'm in some cheesy teen drama. Not to mention the fact that I have to see her every day and pretend like I didn't make a complete fool of myself by confessing my deep love for her. Jace, of course, asked if I had done it, and I had the complete displeasure of giving him the entire run down, to which he was oddly quiet about which didn't help my emotional whirlwind at all.

Throughout the next week to say I avoided Jace and Amy, it would be an understatement. It's not that I blamed them at all, I didn't. They may have given me a push to tell her, but it was ultimately my choice. I simply just didn't want to see or hear any pity from them. Now, on the night of the away game, we were seconds away from yet another win and having to have riden on the same bus as all three of them wasn't the highlight of my week. They all sat together while I kept my distance, not wanting to be dragged into small talk with them.

When the final buzzer sounded as Jace took a knee to win the game, the usual eruption of cheers sounded from the crowd as the team started celebrating. All I could do was make my way to the locker room to get changed. As I got to the door, I saw Lily at the door of the woman's locker room, entering slowly as she typed feircly on her phone. Raising a brow at her demeanor I felt the urge to go over to her, to ask if everything was okay, but my cowardly ass could only put my head down and walk into the locker room to shower and change.

After showering in record time, I made my way back over to my bag and started getting dressed just as the team started filing in, shouting and, in general, being routey. Shaking my head as I pulled my shirt on along with my boxers and shorts I was about to reach for my sandals when I saw Jace approach my from the corner of my eye. "How you holding up?" He questioned in a cautious tone. Rolling my eyes as I moved my sandals out from under the bench to put them on I shrugged, not wanting to deal with prodding questions. "I'm fine." I stated in a dry tone and looked at him briefly. "I feel like you should maybe talk to Lily. Maybe there's a reason she responded the way she did." He stated, leaning against the lockers.

Narrowing my eyes as I looked up at him and slipped my sandals on I tried to read his face. The way he spoke, it was like he knew something I didn't. "A reason? Yeah. She told me. I'm just a friend to her, she made that pretty damn clear so no other explanation is needed, Jace." I told him, thick irritation in my voice. Grabbing my bags I slung them over my shoulder and turned away from him as he started to speak, though I wasn't listening at this point. "Drop it, Jace." I snapped before making my way to the exit. Honestly, I have no clue why he keeps trying to push it. I just want to get over her at my own pace, not have him still try to push us together.

As I stepped out of the locker room and moved to head out of the building, I suddenly felt myself being pushed into the wall. Dropping my bags, I turned, ready to floor whoever shoved me, but immediately stopped when I saw a rather frazzled Amy standing in front of me. "Caleb, we need to talk." She stated firmly, her arms crossed over her chest. Groaning, I leaned against the wall and shoved my hands in my pockets, knowing better than to object with the look on her face. She looked both pissed off and worried all at the same time. "What?" I grumbled, giving her an annoyed look.

"Don't give me the attitude. There's something about Lily that you need to know, so just shut it and listen." She kind of rushed out, her brow raising in irritation at my annoyance. Raising my brows slightly, I simply stood there, slightly motioning for her to continue. "She's probably going to be pissed that I told you this, but the situation has gotten to...complicated...for me not to say anything." She stated, letting out a breath before continuing, "Back at her old school, she got involved with a guy. She dated him for a while, but he got to...pushy for her liking." I could tell she was being careful with her words, making me narrow my eyes slightly, but before I could comment, she continued. "She broke it off with him, and he lost his shit. While he hadn't gotten violent at that point, he wouldn't leave her alone. He followed her everywhere, constantly found new ways to message her even with her blocking him every time. Not to mention, he wouldn't let anyone get near her without losing his shit. He also started spreading lies about her to ruin her reputation. She had to get a restraining order, and he violated it. This time, he did get violent. Rather, he tried to. A few of her guy friends got to her just in time and ran him off. The cops arrested him and put him in juvenile detention."

Okay, now I don't know if she's messing with me or if she's being serious. Like, is this some kind of fucked up ploy to get me talk to her? Either way, I can feel that I'm a split second away from full on rage, and I'm sure it showed on my face. Just as I parted my lips to speak she held her hand up to stop me. "There's more." She stated firmly, making my close my mouth and clench my jaw to keep from exploding. "The night of the dance, right before she had you take her home, she got a text from one of her friends from her old school. The guy was released from juvinal detention and apparently started asking around about where she went. No one told him, of course, but from what I gather, he has been trying to track her down."

Yup, nope, I'm livid. So many questions raced through my head at impossible speeds. Why didn't she say anything? Why would she confide in Amy and not me? Does Jace know? Am I the only one who doesn't? WHY?! If this guy is coming for Lily, if she's in serious danger, why wouldn't she just tell me? "Where is she?" I questioned through gritted teeth, unsure of what exactly I was going to do at this point, but I had to know why she didn't say anything to me. We've known each other since we were in diapers, for fucks sake.

"Last I saw her, she was headed to the bus. Jace and I will hold off the team's so you can have more time to talk." She stated and took a step back from me. Nodding slightly, I grabbed my bags and quickly headed off for the parking lot. Was this talk going to he more of an argument, maybe, but I need answers. 

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