Part 26

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"Diana, where are you?"

I open my eyes to find myself lying on the floor in someone's bedroom. I got up to get a better look of where I am, and recognize the bed and the painting on the wall.

I'm in Diana's bedroom.

A girl around the same age as me comes out from under the bed looking worried. She quickly stands up and run into the bathroom, locking the door.


I almost jump from the suddenly banging at the door, the hanging continues until the book slams open, revealing a scary woman about the age of forty who barge in like a barbarian and look around the room with furious eyes.

"Diana!" She calls in a shout.

This woman gives me the creeps.

She look over to the closed bathroom door and march towards it, banging on the door like a madman. "Come out there Diana!" She shouts.

"No mother!" Diana's voice shouted from inside the bathroom.

"How dare you disobey me!" The woman say. "I told you not to continue your relationship with that boy, and did you listen? No! You still continue your relationship, and where did it lead you? Nowhere!"

"I loved him mother! Which you don't know anything about!" Diana shouts.

The woman looks offended and continue hitting the door with her fist. "Come out here young lady, now!"

But Diana didn't do as her mother said and the door remains closed.

The woman huffed and march out of the room in fury, slamming the door behind her.

"What a scandalous woman." I say to myself.

A few moments later, Diana step out of the bathroom, her eyes puffy and red from crying. She went over to her bed and took out...her diary. Only the diary still looks new and she begin writing.

I went over to her and tried to peek at what she's writing but suddenly the room begins to shake, and the ceiling dropped on us.

My eyes open so wide and I jolt up to sit, panting and sweating.

"Astrid, are you okay?"

I look up to see my friends' worried expressions as they huddle around me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You were having a nightmare again." Hiccup say. "Is it the Enchantress again?"

I shake my head. "No, it's not her." I say. "But Diana."

"Why, what happened?" Elsa ask.

I tried to recall my dream but all I get was a blur. All I can remember is only Diana while she's writing in her diary.

After that, we all decided to train since Stoick and the other Council members told us we're not going to school for now.

I twirl the Arnis stick in my hands, trying to imitate how Gogo did it. At first, I keep on hitting myself at first and Gogo taught me that once the stick is about to hit me I should pull it away but continue to spin and twirl it around my fingers. I kept on practicing until I finally got a hang of it.

Gogo's mom taught us how to wield weapons out of our magic, as usual, my friends got it on the first try, while I keep on messing up.

"Focus, Astrid." Mrs. Tanaka say.

I took a deep breath and tried to make another one. Light blue magic begins to swirl around my hands and it becomes a long shaped object, slowly forming into an ax. I hold it firmly in my hands, hoping this won't shatter into pieces like the first ones I made.
As my fingers tighten around the handle, it glowed bright blue and became a crystal ax with a shiny blue blade with weird swirly lines engraved on the handle.

Enigma: Dawn of the Champions (Hiccstrid/Httyd fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now