Part 30

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"One more, Astrid."


"And... that's a wrap!" Rocco say.

I got off the platform where Rocco made me stand to do weird poses for this day's photoshoot. I pull off the wig that Clover made me wear and get dressed into my normal clothes and remove off my makeup.

"Astrid, I've been noticing," Luca say as he lets me sit down on my chair. "You look stressed out, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm just tired of my busy schedule." I lied. I don't have a busy schedule, I don't even have a schedule.

"You should get some rest, go on a vacation or a day at the spa." He say.

"No Luca I'm fine, I have more important things that going to a spa." I say.

After the shoot I head to my school where I attend classes. Stoick let's us go back to school, he think we can find a way to slap his son back to reality by going back to school. So far, Hiccup's still a jerk. I can't believe I'm calling my boyfriend (if he still is) in such a harsh word, he's being rude to us, but we keep our patience longer, knowing Hiccup's under a spell.

Hiccup didn't show up in classes, I tried calling him but he's not answering his phone. For sure he's with that Mimi girl. Even if I don't know who that girl is or even seen her she's already getting into my nerves, and I want to cut her head off literally. Call me brutal, but that's what comes on my mind if I'm angry, I get harsh.

We're hanging in the cafeteria, and since we have no afternoon classes we decided to stay they for a few hours just to eat, talk random stuff and do nothing.

Elsa suddenly kicks my leg, I complain because it hurts, but she told me to look behind me. I did as told and my jaw almost fell to the floor to see Hiccup arrive, but he's not alone, he's with a girl, not just any girl, but the Enchantress!

"Sh*t!" I say.

"That must be the Mimi he's talking about." Jack say. "I didn't know she studies here."

"No one does, Jack." Gogo say.

I quickly told my friends to come close and told them who that Mimi girl is.

"She's the Enchantress." I say.

"WHAT??" They say in unison.

"But the Enchantress is...old!" Jack say. "About the same as the Oracle."

"I know, but she's a witch, she can be anyone who she wants." I told him.

"Hey guys."

We all look up to see Hiccup and that Mimi girl who's holding on to Hiccup's arm like a snake.

"I just came by to introduce you to Mimi." Hiccup say. "My new girlfriend."

My eyes widened from what he said. I wish I heard it wrong. "What??" Elsa snapped. "Girlfriend?? Astrid is your girlfriend!"

Hiccup looks down at me. "I'm done with her." He say.

My chest suddenly aches, like my heart just broke into pieces. I know this b*tch next to him is the reason why he's saying that, she's controlling him but sh*t, it still hurts.

I stare into his eyes, searching for hope that he's just lying, and he will laugh and say it's just a prank, but he quickly looks away.

"Oh and my the way, I don't care about your mission anymore," he say. "You do your Champion duties without me, I'm tired of it."

He looks back at me, "And I don't care about that kid anymore."

That's it. That's the last straw. I stand up and slap him on the face, so hard he fell on the floor. Everyone in the cafeteria gasp in shock of what I did but I don't care. Tears form in my eyes and anger is boiling up inside me. I grab my stuff and run out if the cafeteria and find a place where I can cry my heart out and ended up at the garden of the school where I let my tears fall without stopping them.

Enigma: Dawn of the Champions (Hiccstrid/Httyd fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now